Can Asgore be spared?

Can Asgore be spared?

Asgore forces the protagonist to fight him, and the protagonist cannot spare Asgore. If any of Asgore’s attacks hit the protagonist and they do not have enough HP to survive it, the attack drops their HP to 1 when it otherwise would have killed them. However, the next attack that hits the protagonist will kill them.

What happened to killer sans eyes?

Killer Sans was made by tumblr user Rahafwabas. Sans looks very similar to Classic Sans, but his eyes are spilling black goop, and only his right eye glows white. He still is a skeleton with a blue sweatshirt. Sans went insane after the genocide runs and feels no real emotions.

Do you have to fight Asgore in pacifist?

‘ Yes, this is the pacifist route, but you still need to fight him. After getting him down to his final health points, he will kneel, and you will have a chance to spare him. Go on the broken Mercy button, and wham!

What happens if you only kill Asgore?

If the protagonist kills Asgore, he dies smiling. Before the protagonist can take his SOUL and pass through the barrier, Flowey shatters Asgore’s SOUL. He tells the protagonist they finally realized that this is a “kill-or-be-killed” world.

How much HP does Flowey have?

He can speed up the spread although the limits of his attacks and speed are unknown. Getting hit by his five-bullet spread in his first encounter deals 19 damage per bullet whereas the unavoidable ring attack heals 19 HP regardless of whether it hits the protagonist.

What color is Frisk’s soul?


Who made hate Sans?

His personality is a bit bipolar, one minute he is calm and relaxed the next he’s acting sadistic and stressed….About.

Dislike Everything
Artist and creator @6agentgg9

Is Sans stronger than Asgore?

Asgore IS, after all, the strongest monster of them all, as gerson tells us!!! Asgore being stronger than sans and everyone in the underground is confirmed again by flowey in his secret dialogues after you beat asgore multiple times after having killed flowey.

Is Sans stronger than Gaster?

11. W.D Gaster is supposed to be stronger than Sans, because Sans’s magic depends on him, W.D Gaster can and will turn off Sans’s abilities if they were in a FIGHT, but he’s not part of the story anymore, Wiki said that when he fell on the void he was scattered across time and space.