Can the slayer become a vampire?

Can the slayer become a vampire?

A “slaypire” is the result of a Slayer being turned into a vampire. Despite the name, the creature is not a hybrid species, nor a separate species; a Slayer is still a human, though gifted with powers by being a chosen one, and thus can be turned into a vampire like any other human.

Who is stronger Spike or Angel?

As far as strength, they seemed equal in power. However, Angel allowed his doubt to weaken his resolve and caused him to tire, just as Spike got his second wind. Spike was stronger mentally as well as physically strong and that decided the tale.

Who sired Spike?


Why did Cordelia sleep with Connor?

When an all-powerful demon lord The Beast rises from the ground at the place he was born, Connor feels responsible. As The Beast causes fire to rain from the sky in an apparent apocalypse, Cordelia sleeps with Connor to give him some happiness before the end.

How does Lear die?

Upon discovering that his beloved daughter has died, Lear dies of grief. Second, Cordelia dies for no reason. The person who wanted her dead, Edmund, has changed his mind and is dying himself, so her death serves no political purpose. Finally, Lear dies before he can reconcile himself to his loss.

Why did Cordelia turn evil?

From what I’ve heard, the original intent was for Cordelia herself to become evil in Season 4. She was going to be completely taken over by Jasmine. When Charisma Carpenter got pregnant, they changed the story so that Cordy actually gave birth to Jasmine. Then Charisma Carpenter leaves the show.

Why did Angel kill Darla?

She sacrifices herself in order to give birth to her and Angel’s human son Connor, ending her run on the series. However, Darla continues to appear in flashback episodes during the next two seasons.

What type of person is King Lear?

In spite of his despair and self-pity, Lear is revealed as a complex man, one whose punishment far exceeds his foolish errors, and thus, Lear is deserving of the audience’s sympathy. Eventually, Lear displays regret, remorse, empathy, and compassion for the poor, a population that Lear has not noticed before.

What is Buffy’s real name?

Sarah Michelle Gellar

Did Angel and Cordelia have a baby?

Meanwhile, Cordelia convinces Connor to mystically expedite the birth using the blood of a virgin. Angel arrives in time to stop him, but hesitates, and Cordelia gives birth to a full grown woman.

What was Angel’s human name?


Do Xander and Cordelia get together?

After always snubbing Xander, Cordelia started dating him. After repeatedly being thrown into life-or-death situations together, Cordelia and Xander began a physical relationship that eventually became a real romantic attachment.

Who sired the master?

The Master. One of the oldest vampires on record, the Master led the Order of Aurelius, and lurked below paying tribute to the Old Ones. His name in life was Heinrich Joseph Nest. He sired many vampires including Darla, who sired Angelus, who in turn sired Drusilla, whom sired Spike.

How did Darla get pregnant in Angel?

However, the unthinkable had happened: Darla had become pregnant as a result of Angel winning a life by enduring the trials in an attempt to save her when she was dying. Darla visited every shaman in the Western Hemisphere, all of whom told her that her pregnancy was inherently impossible, but also impossible to abort.

Does Spike get a soul?

Over the course of Buffy, Spike falls in love with the Slayer, reacquires his soul to prove himself to Buffy and dies a hero in the show’s series finale. He is subsequently resurrected in the first episode of the fifth season of the spin-off series Angel.

How old was Angel when he became a vampire?

Anyway, something that I just realized the other day while watching Buffy is that when Buffy and Angel started going out, she was around fifteen years old. And Angel was about 200- something. Now, say that we judge this off of how old he was before he was a vampire, which would be 26.

Did Cordelia and Angel sleep together?

That night, they slept together for the first time, which resulted in Angel experiencing the “moment of true happiness” required to end his curse. He was alleviated of his soul, and reverted to the guiltless, sadistic Angelus.