How do I delete a non empty directory in Python?

How do I delete a non empty directory in Python?

Shutil rmtree() to Delete Non-Empty Directory

  1. The rmtree(‘path’) deletes an entire directory tree (including subdirectories under it).
  2. The path must point to a directory (but not a symbolic link to a directory).
  3. Set ignore_errors to True if you want to ignore the errors resulting from failed removal.

How do I force delete a directory in Python?

The process of removing a file or folder in Python is straightforward using the os module.

  1. os. remove – Deletes a file.
  2. os. rmdir – Deletes a folder.
  3. shutil. rmtree – Deletes a directory and all its contents.

How do I delete a non empty directory in Jupyter?

“delete non empty directory python” Code Answer’s os. rmdir(‘/your/folder/path/’) #removes an empty directory. shutil. rmtree(‘/your/folder/path/’) #deletes a directory and all its contents.

How do I delete a file using Shutil in Python?

Deleting a file or folder in Python

  1. os. remove() removes a file.
  2. os. unlink() removes a file. it is a Unix name of remove() method.
  3. shutil. rmtree() deletes a directory and all its contents.
  4. pathlib. Path. unlink() deletes a single file The pathlib module is available in Python 3.4 and above.

How do I delete all files in a directory in Python?

Delete all files in a directory in Python

  1. Using os. listdir() function. The idea is to iterate over all files in a directory is using os.
  2. Using glob. glob() function. You can also iterate over files in a directory using the glob.
  3. Using os. scandir() function.
  4. Using shutil. rmtree() function.

What is OS walk in Python?

walk() work in python? OS. walk() generate the file names in a directory tree by walking the tree either top-down or bottom-up. For each directory in the tree rooted at directory top (including top itself), it yields a 3-tuple (dirpath, dirnames, filenames).

What is the use of DEL command?

Purpose: Deletes (erases) files from disk.