How do I get notifications from a specific Twitter account?

How do I get notifications from a specific Twitter account?

To receive notifications when an account you follow Tweets or broadcasts live video:

  1. From the account profile, tap the notification icon.
  2. Check the box next to Account notifications.
  3. From the pop-up message, choose between two notification types: All Tweets or Only live video.
  4. Tap your selection.

How do I get notifications on Twitter based on a specific user and specific keywords mentioned in the Tweets?

Tweet Keyword Alerter will send you notifications on Twitter based on a specific user and specific keywords mentioned in the tweets. You will enter the account of the user you want to follow, and enter the keyword you want to get notified by.

Why do I get notifications from one person on Twitter?

Twitter notifications are turned on by default when you make your account, and will alert you whenever you receive a reply, mention, or when any of your tweets are retweeted or liked. And by default, the only time you’ll see notifications is when you open the website or app.

Why do I get Twitter notifications from someone I don’t follow?

“When we identify a Tweet, an account to follow, or other content that’s popular or relevant, we may add it to your timeline. This means you will sometimes see Tweets from accounts you don’t follow.

Will someone know if you turn on notifications for their tweets?

No, if you turn on Twitter notifications for an account you follow, they will not know. Twitter has designed it to be anonymous. You will receive all the notifications about their tweets or lives on your Notifications timeline, but they will not know until and unless you engage with their tweets.

What is a push notification on Twitter?

If you have the app downloaded on your phone, set push notifications to send alerts when you’re not on Twitter. Don’t have the app yet? Download the app first and then turn on push notifications so you don’t miss a thing. You can also set web notifications within your browser.

Can you set Twitter alerts for keywords?

To get started, visit and set up an account using the same login as your Twitter account. Then, use the easy search box to enter a specific keyword or hashtag you’d like to keep track of.

How do I see interactions on Twitter?

To access your Tweet activity:

  1. On a desktop or laptop computer, visit and click on Tweets.
  2. In the Twitter app for iOS or Android, tap the analytics icon visible in your Tweets. Make sure you have installed the latest version of Twitter for iPhone, iPad, or Twitter for Android.

What does the bell on Twitter mean?

Bell Icon With + The Bell icon on the person’s profile will appear only if you follow them. It lets you enable account notifications from the person such that whenever the person tweets something, you will be notified about it.

What does the bell mean on Twitter?

The Bell icon on the person’s profile will appear only if you follow them. It lets you enable account notifications from the person such that whenever the person tweets something, you will be notified about it.

Can you tell who has your post notifications on?

Can you tell who has your post notifications on? Yes, you can see who has your post notifications turned on by going to your profile and looking at the “Notifications” tab. If you have notifications turned on for a certain post, it will say “On” next to the post’s name.