How do I move a coordinate system in Solidworks assembly?

How do I move a coordinate system in Solidworks assembly?

Moving a Coordinate System

  1. Click Coordinate System (Reference Geometry toolbar) or Insert > Reference Geometry > Coordinate System .
  2. Define the coordinate system at a location on the part or assembly that provides the entities you need to control the angle and direction of each axis.

How do I move origin in Solidworks?

Click Tools > Sketch Tools > Align > Align Grid/Origin. In the Align Grid/Origin PropertyManager, under Selections: To change only the sketch origin: Select a vertex or point for Sketch Origin Location .

How do I show XYZ in Solidworks?

To hide or show individual coordinate systems: Right-click the coordinate system and click Hide or Show. Individual coordinate systems always are highlighted when you select them, even when hidden. Search ‘Hiding and Showing Coordinate Systems’ in the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base.

How do you change XYZ in Solidworks?

To specify the up axis for view orientation:

  1. Open a model.
  2. Click View Orientation (View toolbar).
  3. In the Orientation dialog box, click the Up Axis flyout and select an option: Apply Y-up views. Uses the Y-axis as the up orientation for views. Apply Z-up views. Uses the Z-axis as the up orientation for views.

How do you change axis in Solidworks?


  1. Press Space to bring up the View Orientation window, or right-click the graphics view and choose View Orientation.
  2. Choose the desired option from the Up Axis Flyout (shown below) Specifying the Up axis.
  3. Try out the new orientations. Any existing drawing views will also be updated.

How do I move origin in Solidworks 2019?

To change the origin location or orientation:

  1. Create blocks from several sketch entities.
  2. In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click a Block. and select Edit Block.
  3. Click Tools > Sketch Tools > Align > Align Grid/Origin.
  4. In the Align Grid/Origin PropertyManager, under Selections:
  5. Click .

How do I change the axis in Solidworks?

How do you find coordinates in Solidworks?

Click Tools > Inquiry > Get Coordinate (or type GetXY). In the graphics area, select the point to identify.

How do you read coordinates on a drawing?

To mark coordinates using degrees, minutes, seconds – it is generally accepted that the latitude should be written first followed by longitude. The latitude degrees should be two digits and the longitude three digits (i.e. 08°14’16” 128°34’32”).