How do I view events in MySQL?

How do I view events in MySQL?

To see events for a specific schema, use the FROM clause. For example, to see events for the test schema, use the following statement: SHOW EVENTS FROM test; The LIKE clause, if present, indicates which event names to match.

How can I see all procedures in MySQL?

To show all stored procedures:


Where is the log of MySQL?

The default location for each of the logs is the MySQL Data directory (C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server [version number]\Data\), and the default log names are based on the computer’s device name.

Where is MySQL path in Windows?

To view the value, follow the instructions below:

  1. Press Win+R.
  2. Type services.
  3. Find MySQL service in the list, it is usually named as MySQL [version number], for example, MySQL 80.
  4. Click on it with the right mouse button and select “Properties”
  5. The path to the mysqld.exe file can be seen in the “Path to executable” field.

How do I create an event in MySQL workbench?

Creating new MySQL events First, specify the name of the event that you want to create the CREATE EVENT keywords. The event names must be unique within the same database. Second, specify a schedule after the ON SCHEDULE keywords. Third, place SQL statements after the DO keyword.

What is MySQL event scheduler?

The MySQL Event Scheduler manages the scheduling and execution of events, that is, tasks that run according to a schedule.

How can I see all procedures in SQL?

3 Ways to List All Stored Procedures in a SQL Server Database

  1. Option 1 – The ROUTINES Information Schema View. You can use the ROUTINES information schema view to get a list of all user-defined stored procedures in a database.
  2. Option 2 – The sys.objects System Catalog View.
  3. Option 3 – The sys.procedures Catalog View.

How do I view a procedure in SQL?

First, run SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the Database Engine. Next, under Object Explorer, expand the database in which you have created a procedure, and then expand “Programmability” option. Next, expand “Stored Procedures”, right-click the procedure you want and then select “View Dependencies” option.

What is logs in MySQL?

MySQL Server has several logs that can help you find out what activity is taking place. Log Type. Information Written to Log. Error log. Problems encountered starting, running, or stopping mysqld.

What is query log in MySQL?

The general query log is a general record of what mysqld is doing. The server writes information to this log when clients connect or disconnect, and it logs each SQL statement received from clients.