How do you convert mg L to CaCO3?

How do you convert mg L to CaCO3?

Multiply the mg/l of the substances listed below by the corresponding factors to obtain mg/l as CaCO3. For example, 70 mg/l of Mg + + would be (70) (4.10) = 287 mg/l as CaCO3.

How do you convert MEQ L to mg L CaCO3?

The molar mass of CaCO 3 is approximately 100 g/mol, the valency is 2, thus the conversion factor is 50, meaning 1 meq/L = 50 mg/L CaCO 3 or 1 mg/L CaCO 3 = 0,02 meq/L.

What is CaCO3 equivalent weight?

= 40 + 12 + 48. = 100. The molecular weight of the calcium carbonate is 100. ∴ The equivalent weight of the calcium carbonate is = 100/2 = 50.

What is the molecular structure of CaCO3?

CaCO3Calcium carbonate / Formula
Calcium carbonate is chemical compound largely used as additive in agriculture and it is also sold as a calcium supplement. Formula and structure: The calcium carbonate chemical formula is CaCO3 and its molar mass is 100.0869 g mol-1. The molecule is formed by the calcium cation Ca+2 and the carbonate anion CO3-2.

What do you mean by CaCO3 equivalent?

“Calcium carbonate equivalent” is the quantity of carbonate (CO3) in the soil expressed as CaCO3 and as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm size fraction. The availability of plant nutrients is influenced by the amount of carbonates in the soil.

What is CaCO3 equivalent hardness of water?

Solution: conversion into CaCO3 equivalents: Constituent Multiplication factor CaCO3 equivalent Mg(HCO3)2= 7.3mg/L 100/146 7.3X100/146= 5mg/L Ca(HCO3)2= 16.2mg/L 100/162 16.2X100/162=10mg/L MgCl2= 9.5mg/L 100/95 9.5X100/95= 10mg/L CaSO4=13.6mg/L 100/136 13.6X100/136= 10mg/L ∴ Temporary hardness of water due to Mg(HCO3) …

What is the factor of CaCO3?

Conversions and Guides – Water Chemistry CaCO3 Equivalents

substance factor
CaCO3 1.00
Ca(HCO3)2 0.62
CaO 1.79
Ca(OH)2 1.35

How do you calculate CO3?

The equation for carbonate concentration is [CO3 -2] = K2 [HCO3-] / [H+], where K2 is the second dissociation constant for carbonic acid.

How do you calculate the hardness of water in mg L CaCO3?

∴1L (1000ml) of given hard water = mg of CaCO3 eq. Total Hardness of water = 1000 V2/V1 mg/l = 1000 V2/V1 ppm.

What is a Milliequivalent?

Some medical tests report results in milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L). An equivalent is the amount of a substance that will react with a certain number of hydrogen ions. A milliequivalent is one-thousandth of an equivalent. A liter measures fluid volume. It is a little bigger than a quart.