How do you correct work on Edmodo?

How do you correct work on Edmodo?

Edit an Assignment (Teacher)

  1. In the Latest Activity area of your Group Stream, click the Filter posts by link and choose Assignments.
  2. Click the more icon. located in the top right corner of the post.
  3. Select Edit Post and make any changes to the post including the name, description, due date or attachments.
  4. Click Save to save any modifications.

How do students turn in work on Edmodo?

Turn in Assignments

  • Find the Assignment in the class post stream, and click Open.
  • Otherwise, go to the”Upcoming” area in the right side panel of the Class Page, and select the Assignment.

Can a professor change your grade after the deadline?

Yes, a professor can change a grade given to a student. If the change happens within the time window of allowed change, then the faculty can change the grade without having to go through the university; just login to a system and change the grade.

How do you email a professor asking for an extension?

  1. Ask for an Extension Early.
  2. Show the Professor your Course or University Policy.
  3. Show your Professor that you Care about your Grade.
  4. Suggest a Solution so you Won’t Run out of Time Again.
  5. Suggest a Time Frame for your Extended Deadline.
  6. Provide Evidence for your Extension Request Immediately.

How do you ask a professor to pass a grade?

Sit in the front of the class, take copious notes, ask questions ( yes, even if they are dumb ), ask the professor if he will be offering after class tutorials and if he does go to every one of them ) – hand in all assignments as perfectly as you can, do not ever skip a class, take all exams and you will get a passing …

How do you email a final grade Professor?

How to write an Email to a Professor about Grades?

  1. Be polite, precise, and short.
  2. Contact your tutor with the appropriate login information.
  3. Include your name, student ID number, class, and section, if applicable.
  4. Provide a valid excuse.
  5. Never blame the professor.
  6. Show your willingness to improve or solve the situation.