How do you drive a DC motor with a picture?

How do you drive a DC motor with a picture?

First pair of drivers are enabled by connecting EN1 to Logic HIGH. IN1 and IN2 are connected to RB0 and RB1 of PIC Microcontroller respectively which are used to provide control signal to the DC Motor. DC Motor is connected to OUT1 and OUT2 of the L293D.

Can we directly interface DC motor with pic?

But the power requirements of most DC motors are out of reach of the microcontroller and even the back emf (electromotive force) which is produced by the motor may damage the microcontroller. Hence it is not good to interface the DC motor directly to the controller.

How does PIC microcontroller control DC motor speed?

By using Pulse-width modulation (PWM) we can easily control the average power delivered to a load and using this technique we can easily control the speed of the DC Motor….C code to control DC Motor using the PIC Microcontroller using L293D:

S1 S2 PWM (Duty Cycle)

Can we connect DC motor to microcontroller?

It is not good to connect DC motor directly to the microcontroller. Since the maximum current that can be sink from 8051 microcontroller is 15 mA at 5v. But a DC Motor needs much more currents. It also needs more voltages as 6v, 12v, 24v etc., (depending upon the type of motor used).

How can we change the speed of a DC motor using PWM in PIC?

A variable resistor is used to change the duty cycle of PWM. By moving the knob of a variable resistor you can change the duty cycle which is directly related to the speed of the DC motor. Therefore, we can adjust the speed of the DC motor by adjusting the variable resistor knob according to your speed requirement.

How do you use a DC motor to Arduino?

Connection Steps

  1. Connect 5V and the ground of the IC to 5V and the ground of Arduino, respectively.
  2. Connect the motor to pins 2 and 3 of the IC.
  3. Connect IN1 of the IC to pin 8 of Arduino.
  4. Connect IN2 of the IC to pin 9 of Arduino.
  5. Connect EN1 of IC to pin 2 of Arduino.
  6. Connect SENS A pin of IC to the ground.