How far is Lakhanpur from Jammu?

How far is Lakhanpur from Jammu?

The distance between Lakhanpur and Jammu is 79 km. The road distance is 91.2 km.

Where is Lakhanpur in Jammu?

Geography. Lakhanpur is situated just below the Sivalik Hills. The town is sandwiched between Ravi river to the south and east while the Shiwaliks rise abruptly 400 metres (1,300 ft) high to the north. The town starts from the Modhopur Ravi bridge and is spread on both the sides of NH1A.

In which district is Lakhanpur?

Kathua district
Lakhanpur is located in Kathua district in Jammu And Kashmir. 184152 is the pincode (Postal code) of Lakhanpur.

How far is Katra from Jammu?

43 Kms
Distance Between Jammu to Katra

Distance between Jammu to Katra by Road is 43 Kms
Distance between Jammu to Katra by Flight is 30 Kms
Travel Time from Jammu to Katra by Road is 0:51 hrs
Nearest Airport in Jammu Jammu Civil Enclave (32.73, 74.86)
Nearest Airport in Katra Jammu Civil Enclave (32.99, 74.93)

Which is known as gateway of Kashmir?

Banihal Pass is known as the gateway connecting Jammu and Srinagar.

How many villages are there in lakhanpur block?

As per Census 2011, there are 0 towns and 34 villages within Lakhanpur Block.

How far is Kashmir from Jammu?

263 Kms
Distance Between Kashmir to Jammu

Distance between Kashmir to Jammu by Road is 263 Kms
Distance between Kashmir to Jammu by Flight is 139 Kms
Travel Time from Kashmir to Jammu by Road is 9:38 hrs
Nearest Airport in Kashmir Srinagar International Airport (33.88, 74.28)
Nearest Airport in Jammu Jammu Civil Enclave (32.73, 74.86)

Is there a train to Leh?

Pathankot, Chandigarh and Kalka are the closest railway stations to Leh. Important trains from various Indian cities serve these stations. One can board a train till either of these stations and then hire a cab to reach till Leh.