How many Dinka tribes are there?

How many Dinka tribes are there?


What caused the war in South Sudan?

Political conflict, compounded by economic woes and drought, has caused massive displacement, raging violence and dire food shortages. Over seven million people — about two thirds of the population — are in need of aid, including around 6.9 million people experiencing hunger.

What race is someone from Sudan?

With over 19 major ethnic groups and over 500 different languages, the Sudanese people consists of individuals of Arab and Afro-Arab descent. Sudanese Arabs make up a majority of the country’s ethnic groups however, if counted as one group Sudanese African ethnic groups significantly outnumber Sudanse Arabs.

Is South Sudan one of the poorest countries?

Sudan is one of the poorest countries of the world. Most of the population lives in unbelievably hard conditions.

What is the largest country in the Middle East?

Saudi Arabia

Is there a war in Sudan?

South Sudan’s warring parties have once again declared an official end to the country’s brutal civil war that killed an estimated 400,000 people and displaced millions of others over the past six years.

What happened to the Dinka tribe?

During the subsequent 21-year civil war, many thousands of Dinka, along with fellow non-Dinka southerners, were massacred by government forces. The Dinka, led by Salva Kiir Mayardit, have also engaged in a separate civil war with the Nuer and other groups who accuse them of monopolising power.

Who started the South Sudan civil war?

In December 2013, President Kiir accused his former deputy Riek Machar and ten others of attempting a coup d’état. Machar denied trying to start a coup and fled to lead the SPLM – in opposition (SPLM-IO). Fighting broke out between the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) and SPLM-IO, igniting the civil war.

What does the name Sudan mean?

Sudan, country located in northeastern Africa. The name Sudan derives from the Arabic expression bilād al-sūdān (“land of the blacks”), by which medieval Arab geographers referred to the settled African countries that began at the southern edge of the Sahara.

When did Sudan became a country?

1 January 1956

Does South Sudan still exist?

It gained independence from the Republic of the Sudan in 2011, making it the most recent sovereign state or country with widespread recognition. Its capital and largest city is Juba. South Sudan became an independent state on 9 July 2011, following 98.83% support for independence in a January 2011 referendum.

Is Sudan still in a civil war?

The news is a glimmer of hope for the traumatized country, but ethnic tension is just under the surface in the nation’s second largest city.

Is Sudan a black country?

Sudan has always been dominated by a light-skinned, Arabic-speaking elite, while black Africans in the south and west of the country have faced discrimination and marginalisation.

Why did the Dinka and Nuer fight?

The Dinka and Nuer, two rival pastoralist groups, have competed over grazing land and water for their cattle in the past. These clashes have usually taken place in a local context without causing massive amounts of fatalities.

Who won the South Sudan civil war?

South Sudan, the world’s youngest country, has seen very little peace. It won its independence from Sudan in 2011 after years of fighting and erupted in conflict two years later as supporters of President Salva Kiir and deputy Riek Machar began fighting. Machar is again Kiir’s vice president under the new government.

What country is in Middle East?

A variety of countries make up the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), including Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.

What makes Sudan unique?

It is a country that is unique and complex in its climate, politics, environment, languages, cultures, religion and ethnicities. The River Nile traverses the country from South to North while the Red Sea washes about 550 miles of eastern coast making Sudan a bridge between Africa and the Middle East.

Is Sudan in Middle East?

By the mid-20th century a common definition of the Middle East encompassed the states or territories of Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Israel, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, Jordan, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, and the various states and territories of Arabia proper (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain.

What is the largest ethnic group in Sudan?

The majority of ethnic groups of Sudan fall under Arabs, and the minority being African ethnic groups such as Nubians, Beja, Fur, Nuba, and Fallata. When counted as one people Sudanese Arabs are by far the largest ethnic group in Sudan, however African ethnic groups are a large minority if counted as one group.

How many tribes Does South Sudan have?

64 tribes

How many wars has Sudan had?

Since its independence fifty-one years ago, Sudan has suffered two civil wars between North and South, each of them as bloody as–and much longer than–today’s crisis in the western region of Darfur.

How did the South Sudan war end?

After months of delays and deadlock, bitter rivals Salva Kiir and Riek Machar finally clinched an agreement to form a unity government in South Sudan. Regional leaders must now maintain pressure on both men and other conflict parties to keep the fragile deal on track.

Which is the largest tribe in South Sudan?

The Dinka people are the largest group in South Sudan, representing 35.8% of the population in 2013 (depending on the source, between 1 and 4 million people) and live primarily in Anglo-Egyptian Sudan’s historic provence of Bahr el Ghazal.

What is the biggest tribe in Sudan?

The Dinka are the largest ethnic group, followed by the Nuer, although due to unreliable population data it is disputed whether the Bari, the Shilluk, or the Zande are the third largest.