How much does a operating Theatre technician earn Australia?

How much does a operating Theatre technician earn Australia?

The average salary for a operating room technician is $54,919 per year in Australia. Was the salaries overview information useful?

How much does a operating Theatre technician earn?

An operating theater technician salary in Kenya ranges from Ksh. 40,000 to Ksh. 182,000 per month.

How do I become an operating Theatre technician in Australia?

How to Become a Operating Theatre Technician in Australia

  1. Step 1: Choose Your Course.
  2. Step 2: Apply for Your First Job as an Operating Theater Technician.
  3. Step 3: Take Any Required Checks.
  4. Step 4: Gain Experience.
  5. Step 5: Consider a Specialisation.

Is operation theatre technician a good career?

Becoming an Operation Room Technician is one of the possible choices. Individuals who opt for a career as Operation Theatre Assistants are always in high demand as they are required in every hospital which has an operation theatre.

What qualifications do you need to be a Theatre technician?


  • The ability to work in a team.
  • The ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines.
  • A thorough understanding of the production process and theatre production techniques.
  • Knowledge of how to use modern lighting, sound and other technical equipment.
  • An interest in theatre.

What does a hospital Theatre technician do?

Theatre support workers look after people before, during and after operations and work as part of a multidisciplinary team. They transport patients between wards and the operating theatre and help keep patients calm while waiting to go in for surgery.

What is the work of OT technician?

Operating Theatre Technician – OT Technician handles all the lab equipment and likewise the maintenance procedures done at operation theatres. These professionals work in the operating theatres, ICUs and emergency departments of the hospitals and nursing homes.

What can I do after OT technician?

The government and private hospitals, as well as healing centres and facilities, hire operating theatre technicians. They assist in managing surgical wards….Scope of Operation Theatre Technology

  1. General Surgery.
  2. Gynaecology Surgery.
  3. Neurosurgery.
  4. Plastic Surgery.
  5. Urology.

What qualifications do you need to be a theatre technician?

What is the work of Operation Theatre technician?

An OT technician is in charge of the Operation Theatre as well as handling the equipment with care and caution. Their primary role is to assist the Surgeons, Specialist, Anaesthesiologists and Nurses.

Is theatre a good career?

Just a word of warning – theatre careers are extremely popular, so they’re very competitive to get into and not particularly well paid. Once you’re in, quite a lot of the jobs involve working freelance – that is, working for different employers on different shows, rather than having a permanent job.