How much does an angioplasty cost in India?
How much does an angioplasty cost in India?
The average cost of Angioplasty in India is approximately Rs 1.2 lakh to 1.6 lakh. However, the prices may vary depending upon the hospitals in different cities.
What is the average price for an angioplasty?
In government hospitals like the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), the cost of angioplasty remains around Rs 40,000-45,000, including the cost of a single stent, as stents were always procured at Rs 23,000, the CGHS price for a stent.
Why is angioplasty expensive?
Factors impacting the Cost of balloon Angioplasty are: Cost for blood tests and diagnostic tests. Type of treatment and surgery. Medicinal costs. Duration of stay.
What is the cost of a stent operation in India?
Stent Pricing
ORSIRO | BIOTRONIK | 31,584.00 |
Does angioplasty require hospital stay?
Angioplasty usually requires an overnight hospital stay, and you won’t be able to drive yourself home the next day.
Which is best angioplasty or stent?
A narrowing or blockage in the LAD is more serious than narrowing or blockage in the other arteries. Bypass surgery usually is the best choice for a blocked LAD. If the LAD is not blocked, and there are no other complicating factors, stents are more likely to be used, even if both of the other arteries are blocked.
Which stent is better for angioplasty?
A drug-eluting stent is the most common type of stent used to treat a blockage of the heart arteries. Many people with heart problems have been successfully treated with drug-eluting stents, preventing the need for more-invasive procedures, such as coronary artery bypass surgery.
How many years a person can live after angioplasty?
The mean follow-up was 31 +/- 12 months. Survival was 99.5% at 1 year and 97.4% after 5 years; “event free survival” was 84.6% at 1 year and 65.9% after 5 years; “ischemia free survival” was 84.6% at 1 year and 44.8% after 5 years.
Is an angioplasty painful?
(This needle prick could be the only pain you will feel throughout the procedure.) The femoral artery in the upper leg – near where your leg bends from the hip – is one of the blood vessels doctors commonly use to insert the catheter and thread it through the arteries to the heart to perform angioplasty.