Is ERA+ a good stat?

Is ERA+ a good stat?

The average ERA+ is set to be 100; a score above 100 indicates that the pitcher performed better than average, while below 100 indicates worse than average.

Who invented ERA+?

Statistician and writer Henry Chadwick gets credit for inventing ERA in the mid-to-late 19th century. His thinking was that win-loss record simply didn’t go far enough in determining the mark of a good pitcher. The statistic caught on in the 20th century, when relief pitchers became more prevalent.

Who has the lowest ERA ever?

The lowest single-season ERA in league history was posted by Tim Keefe, whose 0.86 ERA in 105 innings pitched for the National League’s Troy Trojans in 1880 led his closest competitor by . 52 runs. In the American League, Dutch Leonard’s 0.96 ERA is a single-season record.

Who has the best ERA of all time?

Ed Walsh+
Career Leaders & Records for Earned Run Average

Rank Player (yrs, age) Earned Run Average
1. Ed Walsh+ (14) 1.816
2. Addie Joss+ (9) 1.887
3. Jim Devlin (5) 1.896
4. Jack Pfiester (8) 2.024

Is higher ERA+ better?

Typically, pitchers want a low ERA, but ERA+ is a metric that shows a pitcher’s performance scores better when it is higher.

What is the average MLB ERA?

between 4.00 and 5.00
An ERA between 4.00 and 5.00 is average; the majority of pitchers have an ERA in this range. An ERA above 5.00 is generally considered below-average, and a pitcher with an ERA above 6.00 for a prolonged period of time is usually in danger of demotion to the bullpen or a lower league.

What pitcher has the most wins in a season?

Charles Radbourn
Charles Radbourn holds the record for the most wins in a single-season, winning 60 games in 1884. John Clarkson (53 in 1885) and Guy Hecker (52 in 1884) are the only other pitchers to win more than 50 games in a single-season.

Who has the most innings pitched in a career?

Cy Young+
Career Leaders & Records for Innings Pitched

Rank Player (yrs, age) Innings Pitched
1. Cy Young+ (22) 7356.0
2. Pud Galvin+ (15) 6003.1
3. Walter Johnson+ (21) 5914.1
4. Phil Niekro+ (24) 5404.0

Is a 2.35 ERA good?

In modern baseball, an ERA under 2.00 is considered exceptional and is rare. An ERA between 2.00 and 3.00 is also considered excellent and is only achieved by the best pitchers in the league. An ERA between 3.00 and 4.00 is above-average.

What is a good FIP?

How to use FIP. If you’re familiar with ERA, then FIP is simple to use: both FIP and ERA operate on the same scale, where around 5.00 is bad, 4.00 is about average, 3.00 is good, and below 3.00 is getting into Cy Young territory.