Is Independence of the Seas currently sailing?

Is Independence of the Seas currently sailing?

The current position of INDEPENDENCE OF SEAS is at North West Atlantic Ocean (coordinates 26.40618 N / 78.78802 W) reported 24 hours ago by AIS. The vessel is en route to the port of Nassau, Bahamas, sailing at a speed of 16.8 knots and expected to arrive there on Mar 27, 10:00.

Where is Independence of the Seas currently?

Check the following map to see current location….Ship Images.

Current Sailing 4 Night Bahamas
Departure 2022-04-04
Disembarking port Nassau, Bahamas
Disembarking date 2022-04-08
Current Position At Sea

Has Royal Caribbean Cancelled June 2021 cruises?

In order to allow additional time for our return to service preparations, we have decided to extend the suspension of sailings for our global fleet through June 30th, 2021,” Royal Caribbean said in a statement. The suspension excludes sailings onboard Quantum, Anthem, Adventure, Vision, Jewel, and Odyssey of the Seas.

Where is Mariner of the Seas right now?

North West Atlantic Ocean
The current position of MARINER OF THE SEAS is at North West Atlantic Ocean (coordinates 26.07891 N / 78.35704 W) reported 23 hours ago by AIS.

Is Mariner of the Seas Cancelled?

Royal Caribbean cancels Mariner of the Seas cruises in early 2023 to allow more dry dock time. Royal Caribbean informed guests with a Mariner of the Seas cruise booked in early 2023 their cruises have been cancelled.

What class of ship is the Mariner of the Seas?

Voyager-class cruise ship
Mariner of the Seas

Class and type Voyager-class cruise ship
Tonnage 139,863 GT
Length 1,020 ft 9 in (311.12 m)

Are cruise lines operating now?

North American cruise operators started service in June 2021. And while all the major cruise lines are now back at sea, the return to cruising has taken a phased approach, with ships returning to service one at a time and some cruise lines keeping vessels idle until well into 2022.