Is infinity times 0 undefined?

Is infinity times 0 undefined?

It’s undefined. Infinity is not a Natural number, Integer, Rational, or even Real Number.

What happens if you multiply infinity to zero?

Any number multiplied by 0 is 0. Any number multiply by infinity is infinity or indeterminate. 0 multiplied by infinity is the question. Answer with proof required.

Is infinity plus infinity indeterminate?

No . But Infinity — Infinity is an indeterminate quantity. If you add any two humongous numbers the sum will be an even larger number. If you add infinity (an impossibly large number) plus another impossible large number the result is still an impossibly large number (infinity).

Can zero and infinity be same?

In terms of logarithms, the original value 0 corresponds to −∞, while the original infinite value corresponds to +∞. When we treat both possible values −∞ and +∞ as a single infinity, we thus treat the original values 0 and infinity as similar.

Can you multiply infinity times infinity?

Multiplying infinity by infinity will result in infinity.

Is infinity minus infinity divergent?

Answer and Explanation: No, infinity minus infinity is an indeterminate.

Why is infinity minus infinity indeterminate?

It is impossible for infinity subtracted from infinity to be equal to one and zero. Using this type of math, it would be easier to get infinity minus infinity to equal any real number. Therefore, infinity subtracted from infinity is undefined.

What is the difference between zero and infinity?

0 means “nothing” and is in the middle of the number line. Infinity is at the extreme ends of the number line and it can either be positive or negative.

What is the similarity between zero and infinity?

both are undefined concept and cannot be measured by physical means concept developed so far. Originally Answered: What is the similarity and difference between zero and infinity? The similarities is that zero is a number and infinity is use for showing continuity and there is no end .

What is negative infinity plus infinity?

So the answer to “what is infinity minus infinity plus infinity?” is that it is undefined.

Is infinity times zero determinate or indeterminate?

In particular, infinity is the same thing as “1 over 0”, so “zero times infinity” is the same thing as “zero over zero”, which is an indeterminate form. Your title says something else than “infinity times zero”. It says “infinity to the zeroth power”. It is also an indefinite form because

Is 0 ≠ Infinity a number?

Reply: You are correct, but infinity is not a number. And hence it does not apply to infinity. Rebuttal: If ∞ × 0 ≠ 0 \\infty imes 0 eq 0 ∞ × 0  ​ = 0, then 0 ≠ 0 0 eq 0 0  ​ = 0.

What is the difference between Infinity and zero times infinity?

Zero is so small that it makes everyone vanish, but infinite is so huge that it makes everyone infinite after multiplication. In particular, infinity is the same thing as “1 over 0”, so “zero times infinity” is the same thing as “zero over zero”, which is an indeterminate form.

Why is 0/0 indeterminate?

It’s slightly more obvious why 0 / 0 is indeterminate because the solution for x = 0 / 0 is the solution for 0 x = 0, and every number solves that. Show activity on this post.