Is the Post Office Tower still open?

Is the Post Office Tower still open?

The tower is still in use, and is the site of a major UK communications hub. Microwave links have been replaced by subterranean optical fibre links for most mainstream purposes, but the former are still in use at the tower.

Why did the Post Office Tower close?

It closed in 1980 amid security fears. The building quickly became a London landmark, although its existence was – bizarrely – an official secret. MP Kate Hoey drew attention to this odd contradiction when she mentioned the structure during a parliamentary debate in February 1993.

Is the BT Tower open?

When to visit the BT Tower Once a year, the BT Tower opens to the public as part of Open House. The event takes place in September and due to high demand, you need to enter a ballot for tickets.

How tall is the Post Office Tower?

625′BT Tower / Height

When did the Post Office Tower open?

October 8, 1965BT Tower / Opened
The Post Office Tower stamps went on sale on 8 October 1965 on the day the Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, officially opened the Tower.

When did the Post Office Tower become the BT Tower?

Work on the tower started in 1961, with the then Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, officially opening the ‘Post Office Tower’ on October 8th, 1965 with a ceremonial call to the Lord Mayor of Birmingham. (The tower is now known as the ‘BT Tower’ or ‘British Telecom Tower’).

When did the Post Office Tower close?

The Top of the Tower restaurant was open from 1966 to 1980, when it was closed to the public for security reasons. Since then, it’s been used for special events, such as Children in Need.

When did the BT Tower close?

With a cocktail bar and revolving floor, the restaurant at the top of the Post Office Tower in central London was a swanky destination in the 1960s and 70s before it closed its doors to the public in 1980.

When was the Post Office Tower bombed?

31st October 1971
On the 31st October 1971, the Post Office Tower (now the BT Tower) was damaged in an alleged IRA bomb plot; debris from the explosion was hazardous and the fire service struggled to reach the structure.

How many floors is BT Tower?

37BT Tower / Floors

What is the BT Tower called now?

The BT Tower, or the General Post Office Tower as it used to be known. It used to be the UK’s tallest building from when it was built in 1965 until the 1980s. And during that time it wasn’t just the hub of all of London’s communications, but it was also the hub of its social life until tragedy struck.

What is the purpose of the BT Tower?

So-called ‘microwave horns’ (see below) were fitted to a network of tall concrete towers, including the BT Tower in London, and used to relay directional signals from one tower to another to form a long-distance telecommunications network.