What are LSF commands?

What are LSF commands?

User commands

Command Description
busers Displays information about users and user groups
lshosts Displays hosts and their static resource information
lsid Displays the current LSF version number, cluster name, and management host name
lsinfo Displays load-sharing configuration information

What is LSF in HPC?

IBM Spectrum LSF (LSF, originally Platform Load Sharing Facility) is a workload management platform, job scheduler, for distributed high performance computing (HPC) by IBM.

How do I run a LSF job?

Run LSF jobs Use the bsub and lsrun commands to run jobs through LSF. Use the bjobs command to see the status of your jobs. Control job execution with the bstop, bresume, and bkill commands.

How do I check my LSF status?

The lsid command tells you if your LSF environment is set up properly. The lsload command displays the current load levels of the cluster. The badmin command controls and monitors the operation of the LSF batch workload system. Use the bhosts command to see whether the LSF batch workload system is running properly.

How do I check my BSUB jobs?

Use the bjobs command to see the job ID and other information about your jobs. The status of each LSF job is updated periodically. The job that is named sleep 60 runs for 60 seconds. When the job completes, LSF sends email to report the job completion.

What is BSUB LSF?

The bsub command is used to submit a batch script to LSF. It is designed to reject the job at submission time if there are requests or constraints that LSF cannot fulfill as specified.

What is QSUB command?

qsub is an IEEE Std 1003.1-2008 Unix command for submitting jobs to a job scheduler, usually in cluster or grid computing. The qsub command is used to submit jobs to Slurm Workload Manager, to TORQUE, and to Oracle Grid Engine; HTCondor calls it condor_qsub.

What is SGE computing?

SGE is an open-source community effort. It is free to download and use. Some features of SGE are introduced in this section below. Scheduler, queues and slots SGE includes both a scheduler for allocating resources (CPUs) to computational jobs and a queuing mechanism.

What is SGE in Linux?

The Sun Grid Engine queuing system is useful when you have a lot of tasks to execute and want to distribute the tasks over a cluster of machines.