What are some good weather questions?

What are some good weather questions?

Weather Questions

  • Can it rain fish?
  • How can there be clouds in winter when it is too cold for water to stay a vapor?
  • How does a cloud fill up with water?
  • What makes rain drops tear shaped?
  • What makes the Sahara the largest desert in the world?
  • Where is the safest place to go when a tornado hits?

Under what conditions does light and fluffy snow form?

The light fluffy snow forms when all layers of the atmosphere are below freezing. because the air is cold, all the way down to the surface, snowflakes don’t melt. That allows the individual flakes to stay light and fluffy. Although this type of snow is easier to shovel, it can become dangerous quickly.

What do you call a cloudy day?

overcast Add to list Share. Use the adjective overcast when you’re describing a cloudy sky. A day that’s gray and cloudy is overcast, and a dull, sunless sky can also be described this way.

What is it called when you can see rain falling in the distance?

According to the National Weather Service, virga is actually “Precipitation falling from the base of a cloud and evaporating before it reaches the ground.” It’s common enough of a phenomenon that I could picture it when he asked, but if you don’t know what that looks like, check out this image from Wikipedia.

Is Snow blue or white?

Snow most frequently appears white, but deep snow can act as a filter, absorbing more of one color and less of another. Deep snow tends to absorb red light, reflecting the blue tints often seen in snow.

Why is Virga dangerous?

As the rain or snow evaporates, it cools the air, and the air becomes denser than the surrounding air. The heavier air tends to accelerate toward the earth producing a downdraft. Why is this a hazard? A large enough downdraft could cause the airplane to sink.

How do you describe rain patterns?

Rainfall Patterns. Precipitation – rain, snow, sleet and hail – is associated with areas of rising air and low pressure. When air rises it cools, and the moisture it contains condenses out as clouds, which eventually produce precipitation. In addition, the cold heavy air descends precluding much cloud formation.

What causes Virga?

How does virga form? Simply put, virga are trails of precipitation that fall from the underside of a cloud but evaporate or sublime before it can reach the earth’s surface. This happens when falling rain or ice passes through an area of dry or warm air.

Does snow help insulate a house?

Many homeowners report that their homes feel warmer after a good snow, as long as there’s enough insulation in the attic floor to keep that heat inside, and the snow on the roof. So snow does likely help reflect some of that heat back into your homeā€”but of course, you should rely on that for your home’s insulation!

What’s it called when rain evaporates before it hits the ground?

We’ve all seen virga, but maybe not known what it’s called. Virga is rain that evaporates before it hits the ground.

What is first rain called?


What is fluffy snow called?


What are 5 major types of clouds?

Ten Basic Clouds

  • Cirrus (Ci), Cirrocumulus (Cc), and Cirrostratus (Cs) are high level clouds.
  • Altocumulus (Ac), Altostratus (As), and Nimbostratus (Ns) are mid-level clouds They are composed primarily of water droplets.
  • Cumulus (Cu), Stratocumulus (Sc), Stratus (St), and Cumulonimbus (Cb) are low clouds composed of water droplets.

How do you ask for the weather in English?

Some questions you might hear

  1. Is it hot or cold?
  2. Is it sunny, should I take sunglasses?
  3. Is it raining outside?
  4. Should I take my umbrella?
  5. What’s the weather forecast?
  6. What’s the weather expected to be tomorrow?
  7. What’s the temperature?
  8. How’s the weather?

How do you say nice weather?

Synonyms for Nice weather

  1. good weather.
  2. fine weather.
  3. sunny days.
  4. beautiful weather.
  5. fair weather.
  6. sunny weather.
  7. weather is fine.
  8. weather is nice.

What does Virga stand for?

Virga is rain or snow that falls from the base of a cloud but evaporates completely before reaching the Earth’s surface as precipitation. It appears as graceful wisps or streaks extending downward into the air, often at an angle, from cloud bases.