What are the 2 currencies used in Cuba?

What are the 2 currencies used in Cuba?

In Cuba, until 1 January 2021, there are two currencies, both called peso. One is the “Cuban peso” (in Spanish moneda nacional, ISO 4217 code: CUP) and the other is the Cuban convertible peso (ISO 4217 code: CUC, often called “dollar” in the spoken language).

What is a fact about Cuba?

Cuba is the largest of all islands in the Caribbean. The country also includes more than 4000 other much smaller islands and cays. From the air, the island of Cuba resembles a crocodile or alligator and so Cuba is often referred to in Spanish as “El Cocodrilo” or “El Caimá”.

What is Cuban money?

Cuban convertible peso

Which country uses Cuban peso?


Can you get laid in Cuba?

But even nobodies can get laid in Cuba. While the people were improvising and finding some pretty radical ways to get by (Cuba was becoming sustainable decades before doing so came into vogue), the government was substituting one sugar daddy for another by opening the country wide for tourism.

What are the 12 reasons to visit Cuba?

The 12 categories of authorized travel to Cuba are: family visits; official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations; journalistic activity; professional research and professional meetings; educational activities; religious activities; public performances.

What is the age of consent in Cuba?


Can I fly to Cuba from USA?

Yes, Americans can travel to Cuba — there are multiple ways to do so. You can visit Cuba in a completely legal way, obtaining a visa in advance, or you can do what many Americans do — simply book a flight from another country, like Mexico. Read on for the ways to visit Cuba legally when you hold a US passport.

Can I bring my cell phone to Cuba?

Wireless technology is not welcome. Don’t try to bring hardware to set up any kind of network, including routers and switchers. Also prohibited are wireless microphones, any kind of radio equipment (radars, walkie-talkies, etc.), and equipment for satellite communication.