What are the common paint defects?

What are the common paint defects?

Paint Defects

  • Brush Marks.
  • Chalking.
  • Sagging.
  • Drying not proper.
  • Efflorescence.
  • Peeling.
  • Flaking.
  • Low Coverage.

How do you identify paint defects?

List of Common Auto Detailing Paint Defects:

  1. Spider Web Swirls.
  2. Marring.
  3. Micro Marring.
  4. Buffer Trails and Holograms.
  5. RIDS (Random Isolated Deep Scratches)
  6. Bird Droppings a.k.a. “Bird Bombs”
  7. Bird Drop Etchings.
  8. Light “Type I” Water Spots.

What causes solvent popping in paint?

Air or solvent vapour trapped by fast drying paint forming a skin. This may be due to: Poor quality or too fast thinner. Excessive film thickness, or insufficient drying time between coats.

What causes fisheye in paint?

Fish eyes are small, crater-like openings in the finish after it has been applied. They are usually caused by oil and grease on a coating substrate. In car painting, the term “fish eye” refers to a tiny crater that can form on a car’s paint job during or after the car is repainted.

How can paint defects be prevented?

Preventive Measures for Painting Defects Ensure that substrate should be free from sand, dirt or any dust. Moisture content on the painting surface should not exceed 6% as it helps to avoid efflorescence. Apply adequate primer to seal the surface before going for undercoat and topcoat.

What causes bleeding in paint?

Amongst substances likely to cause bleeding are bituminous coatings and residues, some dyestuff and lake pigments, metallic inks used on wallcoverings, tobacco tar deposits and resinous materials in timber. Stained areas resulting from burst pipes or overflows may also ‘bleed’.

How do you fix paint defects?

Repair any small indentations that are still evident after painting by using joint compound. Apply the compound with a putty knife, wiping it flush with the wall. Allow the compound to dry. Sand the repaired spot with fine-grit sandpaper and wipe away any dust with a damp microfiber cloth.

What does fish eye look like in paint?

This causes spots or bubbles in the paint job. The spots appear as little white dots with paint surrounding them. This can look like a “fisheye,” as the name implies. Fisheyes can be widespread or found just in a small area.

How do you remove fisheye from paint?


  1. Remove wet paint film with solvent, clean and refinish.
  2. Add the recommended fisheye eliminator and respray the affected area.
  3. If fisheyes appear in a basecoat, allow the color to flash then spray a mist coat over affected area.