What do you put on a data wall?

What do you put on a data wall?

A Data Wall is a place to show a snapshot of a group…not specific students and their personal information. Data walls should be created, displayed and used with the definition of progress in mind and the well being of the group the data is describing.

What are data walls in schools?

A Data Wall is just what it sounds like, an easy-to-implement method for physically tracking student progress on a wall by using various visual representations. Data walls can take many forms depending on the collected data and how it can be broken down to best align with relevant school goals.

Do data walls violate Ferpa?

Potential Trouble with FERPA Some privacy experts say that data walls can violate FERPA because they publicly display certain student data.

What is data wall?

What is ​a data wall? A data wall uses simple and inexpensive materials like sticky notes and masking tape to visualise individual students’ achievement overtime on a physical wall.

What should I put on the walls of my classroom?

7. Tape or glue your favorite fabric up. Good for: Fabric boards are great for making a classroom gorgeous. Also: hanging light things like student art, homework assignments, and anything else laminated or made of paper or fabric.

How do school leaders use data?

Data drives our schools, but it’s supposed to do more than measure student progress. When used appropriately, data improves instruction. School leaders who use data effectively analyze their data by subgroup, share results, and can seek further professional development marked by student need.

Why should students tracking their own data?

By having the student’s track their own progress, it creates ownership of goal achievement. The graphic representation of the students’ progress can be highly motivating. If improvements are not achieved, students can reflect on what changes need to be made to the intervention plan.

What is a learning walls in primary schools?

The Learning Wall is the focus of the teaching and learning that is ongoing in the elementary school classroom. It’s a giant bulletin board created by the students with the teacher(s) taking on the role of facilitator.

What is a focus wall in the classroom?

Sometimes referred to as a focus board, a focus wall in a classroom is a special area of your wall devoted to key learning targets. Think of it as a place to share with your students what they’re learning this week and help keep them focused (there’s that key word!) on the goals of the week.

What is a digital data wall?

The Digital Data Wall is where you can view all the students in a grade level at one time and where Compose is started. There are two views: Current Year and Next Year (Compose has started).

What data do schools use?

This information includes:

  • your contact details.
  • national curriculum assessment results.
  • attendance information.
  • personal characteristics such as, special educational needs and any relevant medical information.