What do you say when presenting a diploma?

What do you say when presenting a diploma?

I am honoured to be able to present these diplomas today to you all, I (explain some of your history, why you are able to be presenting today) and I am here today on behalf of (state if you are representing a particular company/organisation). We will start the (afternoon) off with the (name of) category.

What do you say in a commencement speech?

10 Tips for Writing the Best Graduation Speech

  1. Start out by thanking someone.
  2. Don’t make it all about you.
  3. Google it.
  4. Keep it short and sweet.
  5. Don’t say anything you’ll regret in 20 years.
  6. Inspire your fellow students.
  7. Don’t use famous quotes.
  8. Don’t write “what’s expected.”

What is one of the most effective ways for a speaker to reduce anxiety and cultivate goodwill with the audience?

What is one of the most effective ways for a speaker to reduce anxiety and cultivate goodwill with the audience? The most effective way a speaker can reduce speaking anxiety and cultivate goodwill is by planning what to say and how to say it.

Is a Graduation Ceremony important?

The graduation ceremony is the closest thing most Americans have to a rite of passage into adulthood, a statement that we are moving from youthful exploring to adult responsibilities. Days as a student are ending. Life as an adult citizen is beginning.

How do you know when to end a conversation and if your speech was effective?

Another good way to indicate you are approaching the end is using a change in the tone of your voice. Humans naturally slow their speech and lower the tone of their voices at the end of a sentence or paragraph. By doing this, your audience will intuitively know that you are reaching the end of your conclusion.

How do you start a commencement address?

Graduation Speech Introductions Examples “Thank you [person who introduced you]. And thank you to the students, teachers, parents, and staff who made these four years everything that they were.” “It’s my honor today to deliver the commencement address for this incredible student body.”

What is the advice Sandberg gives to the graduates?

Sheryl Sandberg’s advice to Virginia Tech graduates: ‘lean in’ and ‘lean on’ your posse. The word “Insider”.

What is the basic rule of grooming and dressing for public speaking?

What is the basic rule of grooming and dressing for public speaking? Impress the audience with a distinct sense of style. Always dress nicely. Avoid standing out from the crowd.

How can you cultivate goodwill when speaking?

How can you cultivate goodwill when speaking? Express your concern for the audience’s well-being as individuals.

What is one of the five functions of a eulogy?

What is one of the five functions of a eulogy? are to acknowledge the death, move death from the present to the past, help mourners reflect on their mortality, indicate that the deceased lives on in a different way, and reconstitute the community.

Who is the audience at a commencement address?

Your target audience is not the parents, the media, the teachers, or yourself; it’s the graduates, exclusively. Most speakers inherently “get” that a commencement is an intimate occasion, not a public one. The best speakers understand that they therefore are deeply responsible to their audience.