What document did the Halliburton loophole fall under?
What document did the Halliburton loophole fall under?
This task force provided recommendations that informed the Energy Policy Act of 2005. One such recommendation that was later signed into law was to provide an exemption for hydraulic fracturing fluid (or fracking fluid) from being regulated by the EPA.
Which environmental law is not one of the laws included in the Halliburton loophole?
It doesn’t cover the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act or any other environmental law. It doesn’t cover other aspects of oil and gas, such as drilling or production. And if an oil company is found to be polluting drinking water, U.S. EPA can still use SDWA to penalize it.
Who was responsible for the Halliburton loophole?
President Dick Cheney
Among the many dubious provisions in the 2005 energy bill was one dubbed the Halliburton loophole, which was inserted at the behest of — you guessed it — then-Vice President Dick Cheney, a former chief executive of Halliburton.
Why was the Halliburton loophole created?
The primary goal of the study was to assess the potential for fracturing to contaminate underground drinking water supplies. Meanwhile, in 2001, a special task force on energy policy convened by Vice President Dick Cheney recommended that Congress exempt hydraulic fracturing from the Safe Drinking Water Act.
What is the Halliburton loophole in the Safe Drinking Water Act?
The report by the Environmental Integrity Project, “Fracking’s Toxic Loophole,” describes how a gap in the Safe Drinking Water Act – nicknamed the “Halliburton Loophole” – requires permits for fracking with diesel fuel, but allows companies to inject other petroleum products even more toxic than diesel without any …
Why is fracking exempt from Clean Water Act?
Fracking is exempted from the Safe Drinking Water Act pollution control measures unless diesel is used in the fracking process. Oil and gas operations are exempt from important permitting and pollution control requirements of the Clean Water Act, including the stormwater runoff permit requirement.
Does Halliburton do fracking?
The Halliburton approach to fracturing maximizes surface and subsurface efficiency to optimize the value of your capital investment.
What does the Halliburton Loophole state?
How did Josh Fox get involved with the gas drilling and fracking?
Filmmaker Josh Fox visited families across the U.S. while fliming Gasland. In some homes, the tap water was so contaminated that it could be lighted on fire. In 2008, filmmaker Josh Fox received a $100,000 offer to lease his 19 acres in northeastern Pennsylvania for drilling by the booming natural gas industry.