What does behold the truth mean?

What does behold the truth mean?

Interjection. truth be told. (idiomatic) Used when admitting something one might otherwise lie about, e.g. to keep up appearances or be polite. From “if the truth should be told”.

What does behold mean in Bible?

1 : to perceive through sight or apprehension : see.

What does truth be known mean?

—used to say what are the true or real facts about something I told her I liked the restaurant but, truth be told/known, the food was pretty bad.

How do you use behold?

Behold sentence example

  1. Behold a real horse!
  2. Why do precisely these objects which we behold make a world?
  3. Soon everyone was zapping seeds and planting them and, lo and behold , it actually worked!
  4. It was like travelling into a far country, such as I had never expected to behold , to lie there for one night.

What does behold mean in the Hebrew?

Hebrew Translation. לְהַבִּיט More Hebrew words for behold. verb לְהַבִּיט look, gaze, see, regard, consider.

Is it correct to say truth be told?

used when you are giving your honest opinion or admitting something: Truth be told, I’m still not completely sure what happened. It brought excitement to the village which, truth be told, needed it.

What is the difference between seeing and beholding?

As nouns the difference between seeing and beholding is that seeing is the action of the verb to see ; eyesight while beholding is the act by which something is beheld.

How do you use truth be told?

used when you are giving your honest opinion or admitting something: Truth be told, I’m still not completely sure what happened. It brought excitement to the neighborhood which, truth be told, needed it.

What does it mean to be frank about something?

honest opinion
You can say ‘to be frank’ or ‘to be frank with you’ to introduce a statement which is your honest opinion, especially when the person you are talking to might not like it. [spoken] To be frank, he could also be a bit of a bore. To be frank with you, Harvey, I may have made a mistake.

What a beauty to behold meaning?

1 the combination of all the qualities of a person or thing that delight the senses and please the mind. 2 a very attractive and well-formed girl or woman. 3 Informal an outstanding example of its kind.

What type of word is behold?

verb – Word
Behold is a verb – Word Type.

Where is hineni in the Bible?

(Here I am)”. Genesis 22:1, NLT. Abraham replies without hesitation, despite not knowing what will come next or what God is about to ask of him.