What does it mean to be RFEP?

What does it mean to be RFEP?

A definition: The process through which students who have been identified as English learners are reclassified to fluent English proficient (RFEP) when they have demonstrated that they are able to compete effectively with English-speaking peers in mainstream classes.

What does RFEP mean in education?

Fluent English Proficient
Reclassification Determined by Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) Reclassification is the process whereby a student is reclassified from English learner (EL) status to Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) status.

Why is it important to reclassify?

Reclassifying a student as fully English proficient changes several aspects of students’ educational environment. At the high school level, reclassification has the potential to put students on an educational track that has access to resources that better prepare them for postsecondary education.

What are the three reclassification requirements?

Existing Reclassification Criteria

  • Assessment of English language proficiency (ELP), using an objective assessment instrument, including, but not limited to, the state test of ELPAC; and.
  • Teacher evaluation, including, but not limited to, a review of the student’s curriculum mastery; and.

Do RFEP students take elpac?

The initial ELPAC identifies students as either ELs or initial fluent English proficient….Initial ELPAC.

Grade Oral Language Composite (Listening and Speaking) Written Language Composite (Reading and Writing)
Grades 1 70 30
Grades 2–12 50 50

How do I reclassify El?

Students are reclassified if they test proficient on a language proficiency exam and meet or exceed standards on the state reading test. Students in grades K-2 must also have a teacher recommendation. ELL students are reassessed for English proficiency at least every 2 years.

What are Sdaie strategies?

What are SDAIE Strategies?

  • Analyzing material from point of view of students with limited English proficiency.
  • Activating students background knowledge.
  • Presenting material and lessons orally as well as increasing the use of visuals, graphic organizers, manipulative and hands-on-learning experiences.

How do high school athletes reclassify?

It’s known as reclassifying. That’s when a student-athlete and their parents make a conscious choice to be “held back” in high school, (and in some states, as early as middle school). It’s when you register with a graduating class that is older than your original in order to get better grades and test scores.

Who are Ltels?

but, in general, the term “long-term English. learner (LTEL)” refers to English learner (EL) students who have been enrolled in a U.S. school. for six years or more and have not been. reclassified as fluent English proficient.

Do RFEP students take the elpac?

The Initial ELPAC became operational on July 1, 2018. The ELPAC replaced the California English Language Development Test (CELDT), which became inoperative on June 30, 2018….Initial ELPAC.

Grade Oral Language Composite (Listening and Speaking) Written Language Composite (Reading and Writing)
Grades 2–12 50 50

What are the requirements for reclassification?


  • Recommendation Letter from school head.
  • Latest Service Record.
  • Latest approved school ranking.
  • 4 Copies Approved ERF.

Who takes the Smarter Balanced assessment?

A core principle of the Smarter Balanced system is accessibility for students. Smarter Balanced tests are designed so that test takers—including students who are learning English or have special needs—can participate in the tests and demonstrate what they know and can do.