What does ponyboy realize about the SOCS after talking to Randy?

What does ponyboy realize about the SOCS after talking to Randy?

Ponyboy learned from Randy that it’s “rough all over” and that socs have feelings too. Before talking to Randy, Ponyboy had this idealized view of socs, that maybe they didn’t bleed like the greasers did. After talking to Randy, he came to realize just how similar the two boys really were, regardless of clique.

What was Dally going to do with two bits knife?

The answer to this is that Dally (Dallas Winston) asks to borrow Two-bit’s switchblade. As it turns out, Dally needs it because of the rumble with the Socs that night. He doesn’t really need it for the fight itself, but he does use it to “persuade” the nurses to let him out of the hospital.

Did Johnny’s parents ask about him while he was gone?

How did Johnny’s parents react to him being gone? They didn’t ask about him. They weren’t worried.

Who shows up at the hospital with Darry to see ponyboy?


Did Johnny’s parents get a divorce?

His parents are divorced, but they joined forces to congratulate Johnny on his relationship with Cely. Johnny is also an uncle, as one of his sisters recently married and had a baby boy. During this season, Johnny’s mom has been vocal about her son’s progress and her opinions on the other islanders….

Why did Cherry and Marcia leave their dates?

Why did Cherry and Marcia leave their dates? because their dates wanted to get drunk, and they were worried about the amount of things that could happen when they were drunk and that it wasn’t fun. They also didn’t want to get in trouble if a fight were to break out.

How do ponyboy’s feelings toward Randy reflect the conflict between the SOCS and the greasers?

Ponyboy has mixed feelings about Randy during their conversation prior to the big rumble; on the one hand, he resents Randy and his affiliation with the Socs, at whose hands Johnny had sustained a savage beating, and Ponyboy hasn’t forgotten Randy’s role, albeit it indirect, in Johnny’s death.

What does ponyboy realize when he listens to Randy and Cherry talk about Bob?

When Ponyboy talks to Randy he realizes that Bob a friend to Randy, and a boyfriend to Cherry. It really had a big effect on both their lives with Bob now gone.

Do you agree with Johnny’s decision not to see his mother?

I absolutely agree with Jonny’s decision not to see his mother, but I am surprised by it. Based on my experience with children in the system, this mother is portrayed as a neglectful and abusive mother quite accurately. Jonny’s reaction, while it is what we’re satisfied with, is not as accurate.