What incident on the morning of June 17 1972 began the Watergate scandal quizlet?

What incident on the morning of June 17 1972 began the Watergate scandal quizlet?

Terms in this set (42) Watergate Hotel break-in of Democratic National Headquarters: On June 17, 1972, several people broke into the Democratic National Committee Headquarters; they were discovered by an on-site guard and were arrested by local police.

What was the Watergate scandal simple?

The Watergate scandal was a scandal during and after the 1972 Presidential Election. Frank Wills, a security guard, discovered clues that former FBI and CIA agents broke into the offices of the Democratic Party and George McGovern months before the election.

What was Nixon’s argument for not turning over the Watergate tapes?

President Nixon initially refused to release the tapes, for two reasons: first, that the Constitutional principle of executive privilege extends to the tapes and citing the separation of powers and checks and balances within the Constitution, and second, claiming they were vital to national security.

Which of the following best describes the impact of the Watergate scandal on Nixon’s reelection?

Which of the following best describes the impact of the Watergate scandal on Nixon’s reelection? The scandal had no significant impact on Nixon’s reelection. In May 1973, the US Senate began hearings designed to ____ the Watergate scandal.

What happened at the Moscow summit?

The Moscow Summit was a summit meeting between U.S. President Ronald Reagan and General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev. Reagan and Gorbachev finalized the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) after the U.S. Senate’s ratification of the treaty in May 1988.

What was President Nixon charged with in the Watergate scandal?

The articles charged Nixon with: 1) obstruction of justice in attempting to impede the investigation of the Watergate break-in, protect those responsible, and conceal the existence of other illegal activities; 2) abuse of power by using the office of the presidency on multiple occasions, dating back to the first year …

Which was the purpose of the Watergate break-in quizlet?

A break-in at the Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate complex in Washington was carried out under the direction of White House employees. Disclosure of the White House involvement in the break-in and subsequent cover-up forced President Nixon to resign in 1974 to avoid impeachment.

What were the results of the 1972 American Soviet summit?

It was held May 22–30, 1972. It featured the signing of the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I), and the U.S.–Soviet Incidents at Sea agreement. The summit is considered one of the hallmarks of the détente at the time between the two Cold War antagonists.

Why was Nixon impeached quizlet?

Nixon was impeached because of covering up the Watergate Scandal. He was impeached on the grounds of Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Powers, Contempt of Congress. He wouldn’t hand over the tapes. He resigned before removed from office.

What is the meaning of Watergate?

: a scandal usually involving abuses of office, skulduggery, and a cover-up. water gate.

What was the reason for Watergate?

On October 10, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein reported that the FBI had determined that the Watergate break-in was part of a massive campaign of political spying and sabotage on behalf of the Nixon re-election committee.

Why did Ford choose pardon Nixon?

In a televised broadcast to the nation, Ford, who had succeeded to the presidency upon Nixon’s resignation, explained that he felt the pardon was in the best interests of the country and that the Nixon family’s situation was “a tragedy in which we all have played a part.

How did Nixon become involved in the break-in quizlet?

How did Nixon become involved in the break-in? Because there were tapes at the White House connected to Nixon. John Dean was the counsel to the president and a member of the inner circle of the White House who leveled allegations against Nixon himself.

Why did the CRP order the burglary of the DNC headquarters quizlet?

Why did the members of the CRP break into the Democratic National Committee headquarters? The broke in to find out information from the other party and to gain an advantage in the upcoming election.

What are the rules for presidential pardons?

Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution grants the President of the United States the power to pardon any person convicted for or accused of federal crimes, except in cases of impeachment. The president may not pardon persons convicted for or accused of violating state or local laws.

What source of electricity did a number of citizens become concerned about in the 1970s?

-A number of citizens became concerned about the use of nuclear reactors to generate electricity. As nuclear power plants began to dot the nation’s landscape, the debate over their use intensified.

What did the White House tapes reveal quizlet?

What did the “White House tapes” reveal? the burglary at Democratic headquarters was simply a third-rate caper, and no one on the White House staff had been involved. President Nixon had ordered a cover-up in the Watergate affair. President Nixon had been having an affair with his secretary for three years.

What became known as the Watergate cover-up quizlet?

Terms in this set (42) The events and scandal surrounding a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in 1972 and the subsequent cover-up of White House involvement, leading to the eventual resignation of President Nixon under the threat of impeachment.

Why did Nixon’s advisors order a break-in at the Democratic Party headquarters quizlet?

Nixon became so consumed with his opponents that he compiled an “enemies list.” In general, who did Nixon include on his list of enemies? In order to get Nixon reelected, Nixon advisors ordered the break-in at the Democratic Party’s headquarters at the Watergate on June 17, 1972.

Why did Ford pardon Nixon quizlet?

He referred to the scandal of Watergate. Why did President Ford issue the pardon for Nixon? Ford felt he was having to spend to much time dealing with the aftermath of Watergate and he did not have the time to do his job as President. He issued the pardon to end the issue.