What is a FileStreamResult?

What is a FileStreamResult?

FileContentResult. Represents an ActionResult that when executed will write a binary file to the response. FileStreamResult. Represents an ActionResult that when executed will write a file from a stream to the response.

How do I find content type?

Click Edit this list. Click LIST in the ribbon. Click List Settings in the ribbon. click the Item Content Type under the Content Type list.

How do you use Redirectresult?

Click on the “Add” button. Redirect creates a redirect result object that redirects to the specific URL and redirect permanent returns an instance of a redirect result class with the permanent property set to true. Now we need to create a view. Right-click on “redirect” and select “Add View…”.

What is content type ID?

Content type IDs uniquely identify the content type and are designed to be recursive. The content type ID encapsulates that content type’s lineage, or the line of parent content types from which the content type inherits.

How do I create a content type?

Create a content type

  1. Go to the site where you want to create a site content type.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Under Web Designer Galleries, select Site content types.
  4. In the Show Group box, select the group that you want to use, and then select Create.

What is RedirectResult in MVC?

RedirectResult. RedirectResult is an ActionResult that returns a Found (302), Moved Permanently (301), Temporary Redirect (307), or Permanent Redirect (308) response with a Location header to the supplied URL. It will redirect us to the provided URL, it doesn’t matter if the URL is relative or absolute.

What is difference between ActionResult and ViewResult?

ActionResult is an abstract class. ViewResult derives from ActionResult. Other derived classes include JsonResult and PartialViewResult. You declare it this way so you can take advantage of polymorphism and return different types in the same method.

What is difference between ActionResult and IActionResult?

IActionResult is an interface and ActionResult is an implementation of that interface in ASP.NET C#. There are no more differences between IActionResult and ActionResult from a usability perspective, but since IActionResult is the intended contract for action results, it’s better to use it as opposed to ActionResult.

How do I find the content type ID in SharePoint online?

How to Find Content Type ID in SharePoint Online? To get the content type ID in SharePoint Online, you can Go to List/Site Content Types >> Pick your content type >> The URL will have the “Ctype” parameter with the content type ID!

How does the filestreamresult function work?

The FileStreamResult sends binary content to the response by using a stream instance when we want to return the file as a FileStream. The contents are streamed while returning to the client. The streamed response appears on the browser as a downloaded file.

How do I find the MIME type of a file?

There are a number of ways/techniques to do that, but – for the sake of simplicity – we will put them down to two: looking them up within the Windows Registry or relying to static, hard-coded MIME type lists. We won’t consider anything that involves querying an external service, as we do want an efficient way to deal with such issue.

How do I return a file stream from a file?

To return a file stream, you can use a FileStreamResult . This lets you specify the stream, the MIME type, and some other options (like the file name).

How to use getfilestreamresult in employeereportscontroller?

FileStreamResult is very useful for playing video or dynamically create a zip file and download it. Implement following code in EmployeeReportsController and navigate to http://localhost: /EmployeeReports/GetFileStreamResult. The file with the name employee-report.pdf will be downloaded to the download folder of the browser.