What is copy stage in DataStage?

What is copy stage in DataStage?

The Copy stage is a processing stage. It can have a single input link and any number of output links. The Copy stage copies a single input data set to a number of output data sets. Each record of the input data set is copied to every output data set.

What is level number in DataStage?

If the row you are editing represents a column which is part of a subrecord, the Level Number column indicates the level of the column within the subrecord structure. Extended. You can modify the data type.

How do I add a column in DataStage?

Select the link, then click the load column definition button in the toolbar to open the standard load columns dialog box. Use drag-and-drop or copy and paste functionality to create a new column by copying from an existing column on another link. Use the shortcut menus to create a new column definition.

Why do we need copy stage?

Copy Stage is one of the processing stage that have one input and ‘n’ number of outputs. The copy stage is used to send the one source data to multiple copies and this can be used for the multiple purpose.

How do I move a DataSet in Datastage?

To move a DataSet you can use the orchadmin copy command. A persistent dataset is physically represented on disk by: A single descriptor file. One or more data files.

What are active and passive stages in DataStage?

Actives stages, such as the Transformer and Aggregator, perform processing tasks, while passive stages, such as the Sequential File stage and Hashed File stage, are reading or writing data sources and provide services to the active stages.

How do I read a Cobol file in Datastage?

In the toolbar click on Import > Table Definitions > COBOL File Definitions . Specify the downloaded copybook file and click Import . You have just imported your copybook definitions!…This lab consists of the following steps:

  1. ​Create job layout​
  2. ​Add COBOL copybook as a table definition​
  3. ​Customize the job​

How do you delete a column in Datastage?

To delete a column definition, click any cell in the row you want to remove and press the Delete key or choose Delete row from the shortcut menu. Click OK to save any changes and to close the Table Definition dialog box.

How do I remove duplicates in Datastage?

There are multiple ways to remove duplicates other than using Remove Duplicates Stage. As stated above you can use Sort stage, Transformer stage. In sort stage, you can enable Key Change() column and it will be useful to filter the duplicate records. You can use Aggregator stage to remove duplicates.

Can we copy one dataset to another dataset in DataStage?