What is Elliot Aronson known for?
What is Elliot Aronson known for?
Elliot Aronson is perhaps best known for his experiments refining the theory of cognitive dissonance, which states that people will change their attitudes or behaviors to reduce cognitive discomfort caused by performing actions that are inconsistent with their beliefs.
Who was Aronson mentor in graduate school?
But after accompanying an attractive young woman into an introductory psychology class he was inspired by a new professor, Abraham Maslow, founder of humanistic psychology. Maslow became a second key mentor in Aronson’s life.
What did Elliot Aronson study?
Ecstatic at the prospect of a science that examined such pressing social concerns, he switched his major to psychology. After graduating from Brandeis and completing a masters degree at Wesleyan University, Aronson went on to Stanford where he studied with Leon Festinger.
What is the purpose of cover story?
Cover stories are used to disguise the true purpose of research and hence are deceptive. Thus, their ethical use must be considered carefully. We justify cover stories because they are used not principally to deceive but to ensure the validity of research findings at little cost to participants.
Which of the following is a condition that encourages attitude change according to research by Aronson and others?
which of the following is a condition that encourages attitude change according to research by Aronson and others? Back up his or her messages with facts and statistics.
What is the importance of cover story and cover support?
What’s another word for cover story?
What is another word for cover story?
pretext | excuse |
pretenceUK | ploy |
ruse | cover |
device | grounds |
pretenseUS | alibi |
What is Leon Festinger’s cognitive dissonance theory?
Festinger’s theory proposes that inconsistency among beliefs or behaviours causes an uncomfortable psychological tension (i.e., cognitive dissonance), leading people to change one of the inconsistent elements to reduce the dissonance or to add consonant elements to restore consonance.
How many guidelines does Aronson suggest for students when they are contemplating whether to complete a study?
According to Aronson’s five guidelines for ethical experimentation, participants should them be: reassured they may quit the experiment at any time with no penalty.