What is Ftgfop tea?

It’s a common joke among tea drinkers that FTGFOP stands for ‘Far Too Good For Ordinary People’. This gibberish-looking succession of letters actually means ‘Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe’ and is about the finest-quality grade of tea a serious sipper can find.

What is Ftgfop tea?

It’s a common joke among tea drinkers that FTGFOP stands for ‘Far Too Good For Ordinary People’. This gibberish-looking succession of letters actually means ‘Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe’ and is about the finest-quality grade of tea a serious sipper can find.

What does Sftgfop mean?

SFTGFOP – Super Fine Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe.

Is pekoe a tea?

Pekoe means teas picked as 2 leaves and a bud. OP, or Orange Pekoe, is a full-leaf tea with no tip or buds. FOP, or Flowery Orange Pekoe, is a longer leaf than an OP and has some buds.

Which grade of tea is of the finest quality?

Supreme Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe (SFTGFOP) Very high quality FOP with lots of golden tips. The numeral “1” is often added to the end of the description to indicate a top quality tea (e.g. SFTGFOP1).

Is Ceylon tea the same as orange pekoe?

“Orange Pekoe” is a term used to grade the size and quality of dried black tea leaves. “Ceylon” is the previous name of the country from where it is grown, now Sri Lanka, a small island in the Indian Ocean.

What is SFTGFOP1 tea?

The letters SFTGFOP1 refer to the appearance of the dry leaf. The grade FTGFOP stands for “Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe”. This means it’s a whole-leaf tea with plenty of tips, or buds.

What does first flush tea mean?

First Flush is defined as the very first plucking of a tea plant’s harvest season. The new growth leaves plucked during First Flush are the youngest and most tender part of the tea plant and are said to yield the purest and freshest cup of tea that plant is capable of producing.

Which is better Orange Pekoe or black tea?

Health Benefits of Orange Pekoe Tea Studies suggest that black tea (orange pekoe tea is a grade of black tea) is almost as effective with its antioxidant properties as green tea. The antioxidants in orange pekoe fight free radicals and keep the body healthy at a cellular level.

Which grade tea is best?

Many Chinese teas are graded by number with #5 being the lowest grade and #1 being the better grade. But there is sometimes even better, so you will see terms like Royal or Finest in the name.

How can you tell if tea is high quality?

As you steep the tea, the leaves should unfurl slowly. Touch: In general, high-quality dried tea leaves should feel how they look: smooth, whole and sturdy. It should also have a slight heft in your hands; if your tea feels feather-light, it may be an indication that it was over-dried or is getting old.

What does ftgfop mean in terms of tea grading?

In terms of tea leaf grading, FTGFOP is used when describing black tea and actually stands for “Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe ”. That may be all very good and easy, but what is the meaning behind the words behind this acronym and what is tea grading about?

What does ftgfop mean?

And finally we have reached FTGFOP, which stands for Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe . Finest in this case refers to the fact that this tea really is the finest.

What does FOP stand for in tea?

From this we have FOP, which stands for Flowery Orange Pekoe. In this case Flowery denotes the large tea leaves, which are typically plucked from new shoots and consist of two leaves and a bud. Add another letter to make up GFOP, which stands for Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe.

What is flowery orange pekoe tea?

In this case Flowery denotes the large tea leaves, which are typically plucked from new shoots and consist of two leaves and a bud. Add another letter to make up GFOP, which stands for Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe. In this case Golden refers to the golden tip, the very end of the golden tea buds.