What is patient advocacy in healthcare?

What is patient advocacy in healthcare?

A patient advocate helps patients communicate with their healthcare providers so they get the information they need to make decisions about their health care. Patient advocates may also help patients set up appointments for doctor visits and medical tests and get financial, legal, and social support.

Why is patient advocacy important?

Advocacy is an essential part of nursing. Nurses are ideal patient advocates because they interact with patients daily. They know when patients are frustrated and confused about their care plan. Patients rely on nurses to not only provide care but also to counsel and educate them about their healthcare choices.

How do I advocate for myself at the doctors?


  1. How to Be Your Own Health Advocate. Start with the appointment.
  2. Start with the appointment. Be specific about what you want from your appointment.
  3. Arm yourself with information.
  4. Ask questions.
  5. Keep your own records.
  6. Get a second opinion.
  7. Call for backup.

What is a private patient advocate?

Unlike patient advocates employed by hospitals, private advocates are paid directly by patients, which they say offers them a level of independence when working on behalf of their patients on issues such as medical decisions or hospital charges that a hospital staff member cannot offer.

How would you advocate for a patient?

5 Actions that Promote Patient Advocacy

  1. Keep the Entire Team Informed.
  2. Prevent Unwelcome Family Intervention.
  3. Provide Assistance with Social and Financial Issues.
  4. Exhibit Correct Nursing Care.
  5. Teach them to advocate for themselves.
  6. Create a medical summary.
  7. Use trusted sources to help choose a new doctor.

What does it mean to be your own advocate?

You may have heard or seen the term, “self-advocacy.” But what does it mean to advocate for yourself? Self-advocacy means: You are able to tell people about your thoughts and feelings. You are able to ask for what you need and want. You know your rights and you speak up for your rights.