What is Primary Oscillator?

What is Primary Oscillator?

The Primary Oscillator uses unique cascading waveform processing to create increasingly complex, fully modulatable waveforms. Through the use of multiple interwoven waveshapers, a simple waveform can quickly mutate into something deeply dynamic and harmonically rich.

What modules do you need for Eurorack?

The best Eurorack modules you can buy today

  1. Mutable Instruments Plaits. Best digital oscillator.
  2. Intellijel Rubicon2. Best analogue oscillator.
  3. Instruo Cš-L. Best complex oscillator.
  4. Joranalogue Filter 8. Best filter.
  5. Mutable Instruments Stages.
  6. Intellijel Quad VCA.
  7. XAOC Devices Batumi.
  8. Mutable Instruments Marbles.

How do Eurorack modules work?

Eurorack uses a standard of 1 volt per octave (1V/OCT) to set the pitch of oscillators in order to generate musical notes. This means that the 12 notes of a scale are divided between the range of zero to one volt, and jumping from 1V to 2V will step up by an octave.

Do Eurorack modules come with screws?

“Short” screws are 6mm long; this is the length of screw typically included with new Eurorack modules.

What do I need to get started with Eurorack?

Cases and Power Supplies. In order to start a Eurorack system, you will need a case and a power supply for your modules. Cases are measured horizontally in HP, which stands for horizontal pitch, or hole point. The two most common widths are 84HP and 104HP.

What do you need for a Eurorack?

What do you need to get started with Eurorack?

Essentially, you’ll need a power supply module and ‘bus boards’, into which you connect the modules. Modular Grid is a useful resource here, allowing you to check your power supply has enough availability to power your selected modules.

What do polyphonic mean?

polyphony, in music, the simultaneous combination of two or more tones or melodic lines (the term derives from the Greek word for “many sounds”). Thus, even a single interval made up of two simultaneous tones or a chord of three simultaneous tones is rudimentarily polyphonic.

What is polyphonic synth?

Edit. A polyphonic synthesizer is one capable of sounding two or more notes at one time. Although Western musical traditions are based around harmony, which implies the ability to play chords, many traditional instruments are monophonic — they can play only one note at a time.