What is Separation Authority AR 635 200 Chapter 4?
What is Separation Authority AR 635 200 Chapter 4?
635-200, Chap 4. That provision allows for a service member to be separated upon expiration of enlistment or fulfillment of service obligation. The separation code or separation program designator was “MBK.” This code is used when there is a voluntary release or transfer to another service component.
Is a chapter 8 discharge honorable?
Chapter 8 establishes policy and procedures for voluntary separation of enlisted women because of pregnancy. If an individual is beyond entry-level status, her service will be characterized as honorable or general, under honorable conditions.
Do I have to carry my profile on me army?
Any leader has the right to look at your profile to ensure they are not giving you an order in violation of that profile. Profiles are governed under AR 40-501. You should carry your profile on you at all times.
What is Chapter 4 separation army?
Airmen who are undergoing a Court-Martial may hear about something called a Chapter 4 Request. This is a request from an Airman to be administratively discharged instead of having to face a Court-Martial. If the request is approved, all charges are dismissed and the Airman is discharged administratively.
What army regulation covers separations?
Army Regulation 635-200
The Army Regulation 635-200 covers adverse administrative separations for enlisted members of the U.S. Army. Administrative separations are non- punitive and they are based on the characterization of service of the respondent.
Is Section 8 a real thing in the military?
Section 8 was a category of discharge from the United States military, used for a service member judged mentally unfit for service. Section 8 was also often given to cross-dressers, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.
What does it mean to call someone a Section 8?
Section Eight n. 1. A US Army discharge based on military assessment of psychological unfitness or character traits deemed undesirable. 2. Slang A soldier given such a discharge or behaving as if deserving such a discharge.
What does the PULHES section display?
When reviewing a Soldier’s profile, a leader should first check the PULHES section (block 3). PULHES is an acronym for physical capacity/stamina (P), upper extremities (U), lower extremities (L), hearing and ears (H), eyes (E), and psychiatric (S).
How many days can a Soldier be on profile?
In no case will Soldiers carry a temporary profile which has been extended for more than 12 months. If a profile is needed beyond the 12 months the temporary profile should be changed to a permanent profile. (AR 40-501, Para 7-4 b).
What is a Chapter 5 in the Army?
Chapter 5 of the Army Regulations, called Separation for the Convenience of the Government, sets out many administrative discharges, including Chapter 5-17: Other Designated Physical or Mental Conditions.