What is the average IQ of American adults?

What is the average IQ of American adults?

Most people (about 68 percent) have an IQ between 85 and 115. Only a small fraction of people have a very low IQ (below 70) or a very high IQ (above 130). The average IQ in the United States is 98.

What is Hawking’s theory of everything?

The theory of everything is a proposed notion in the scientific community which states that there is one all-encompassing theory that proposes a framework of understanding of all of physics, combining the quantum mechanics and classical physics into a unified approach which explains the laws of the universe.

How old was Stephen Hawking when he died?

76 years (1942–2018)

What is Stephen Hawking’s IQ?


Is theory of everything a true story?

The film is based on Jane’s 2007 memoir Traveling to Infinity: My Life With Stephen, but that memoir is a revised version of her first book on their marriage—Music to Move the Stars, published in 1999—which tells a more negative version of their life together. …

What was Stephen Hawking last words?

Hawking, who died at 76, wrote “there is no God” in his final, posthumous book “Brief Answers to the Big Questions.” He also wrote that “no one directs the universe.” It wasn’t the first time Hawking rejected the idea of a higher power. He had disputed the existence of God for years before his death.

Why did Elaine and Stephen divorce?

It’s unclear what led to their separation, but rumors of Mason’s alleged abuse surfaced after Hawking sustained multiple mysterious injuries over a period of several years during their marriage. Mason was also accused of leaving him to urinate on himself, allowing him to suffer heat stroke and breaking his wrist.

Is Theory of Everything on Netflix?

Sadly, The Theory of Everything isn’t streaming on Netflix in the United States and hasn’t done since its release despite Netflix having a good relationship with the movie’s distributor. Instead, you can currently find it through the Cinemax channel on Amazon Prime (a separate subscription is required).

Is Stephen Hawking’s third child his?

“Timothy Hawking is not the biological son of Stephen Hawking.” This sentence did surprise me at first, but taking a look at the memoir of Stephen, I had to agree that his third son is from his wife Jane Hawking’s extra-marital relationship.