What is the grading system in Uganda?

What is the grading system in Uganda?

5.9 For A’ Level grades, the conversion scale is A=6, B=5, C=4, D=3, E=2, O=1, F=0 points.

What is the highest GPA in Uganda?


Grade Scale Grade Description
A+ 90.00 – 100.00 Exceptional
A 80.00 – 89.99 Excellent
B+ 75.00 – 79.99 Very good
B 70.00 – 74.99 Good

What is the O level pass mark?

G.C.E. Ordinary Level examination

Grade Scale Grade Description
B 65.00 – 74.99 Very Good Pass
C 55.00 – 64.99 Credit Pass
S 40.00 – 54.99 Ordinary Pass
W 0.00 – 39.99 Failure

How is GPA calculated in Uganda?

The Cumulative Grade Point Average at a given time shall be obtained by: (a) Multiplying the grade point obtained in each Course by the Credit Units assigned to the Course to arrive at the Weighted Score for the Course.

What is 12th grade in Uganda?

The students take “O” (Ordinary) Level National Examinations in 10 subjects at the end of Secondary 4….How do classes in Uganda match to classes in the US?

Uganda US grade Age of child
Secondary 2 Grade 9 14
Secondary 3 Grade 10 15
Secondary 4 Grade 11 16
Secondary 5 Grade 12 17

What is 4th grade Uganda?

Uganda has a 7-4-2 formal education structure that has been in place since 1992. Primary school has an official entry age of six and a duration of seven grades. Primary is divided into ‘lower primary’ (grades 1-3), a ‘transition year’ (grade 4), and ‘upper primary’ (grades 5-7).

How many papers are there in O-level?

3. Candidates would have to pass a total of 4 papers and one practical in order to qualify ‘O’ Level in Revision IV syllabus. 4.

Can you fail O-level?

After years of studying, failing your O-Levels can be a devastating experience. Even results that are technically passing can get you in trouble if you have many borderline scores like D7/C6. Low or failing scores may crush your hope to qualify for Polytechnics or Junior College.

What is an O grade at A level?

The O grade was equivalent to a GCE Ordinary Level pass which indicated a performance equivalent to the lowest pass grade at Ordinary Level.

What is 5th grade in Uganda?

Primary is divided into ‘lower primary’ (grades 1-3), a ‘transition year’ (grade 4), and ‘upper primary’ (grades 5-7). Secondary school is divided into two cycles: lower secondary consists of grades 8 – 11 and upper secondary consists of grades 12 – 13. In principle, primary school is free and compulsory.

What subjects should I choose for O levels?

The subjects that are compulsory at the O-Level are:

  • English.
  • Pakistan Studies.
  • Islamiat.
  • Maths.
  • Urdu.

What is the pattern of O level exam?

This course is accredited by the Government of India and has a duration of 1 year. The O Level Exam pattern consists of 2 semesters of 6 months each and the syllabus consists of 4 theory modules, 1 practical case study, and 1 project-based case study. Enroll in institutes that are recognized by NIELIT.