What is the homophone for hurled?

What is the homophone for hurled?

The words hurdle and hurtle are near-homophones: that is, they sound almost the same, especially when they’re not pronounced clearly.

What is the meaning of heaved heaved?

(Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : lift, raise heaved the trunk onto the table. 2 : throw, cast heaved her books on the floor. 3 : to utter with obvious effort or with a deep breath heave a sigh of relief.

What is the synonym of heaved?

Some common synonyms of heave are boost, elevate, hoist, lift, raise, and rear. While all these words mean “to move from a lower to a higher place or position,” heave implies lifting and throwing with great effort or strain. heaved the heavy crate inside.

What does heaving indicate?

breathing heavily (as after exertion) heave, heavingnoun. the act of lifting something with great effort. heave, heavingnoun. throwing something heavy (with great effort)

What is the meaning of heaved a sigh of relief?

or to heave a sigh of relief. phrase. If people breathe or heave a sigh of relief, they feel happy that something unpleasant has not happened or is no longer happening.

What is the antonym of sigh?

▲ Opposite of to make a soft rustling or murmuring sound. be quiet. silence.

Can finally breathe a sigh?

Someone might say that he or she can finally breathe a sigh of relief after completing a strenuous task or a frustrating event comes to an end. Although a literal breath has not necessarily taken place, the meaning is that one feels relieved enough to have taken a figurative breath.

How do you write sigh of relief?

Sigh-of-relief sentence example

  1. The lights came on and he breathed a sigh of relief .
  2. She held her breath while she tugged at the window, letting it out in a sigh of relief when the sash lifted quietly.
  3. She breathed a sigh of relief .
  4. She let out a sigh of relief .
  5. Betsy and I breathed a sigh of relief .

What does a horse with heaves look like?

Horses with the more severe form of the disease may exhibit signs of difficult breathing (nostril flaring and visible “heaving”) while at rest as well as frequent coughing, wheezing and exercise intolerance (that is, they may not be able to move any faster than a walk).

Are horse heaves fatal?

Heaves can affect a horse’s performance and reduce their quality of life. This condition is rarely fatal unless complications such as pneumonia develop.