What is the major moral conflict in Antigone?

What is the major moral conflict in Antigone?

The major moral conflict in Antigone by Sophocles is the conflict over which value is most fundamental. The play presents the moral conflict over whether the god’s law or the city’s law is more powerful. This seems to be the most prominent theme.

How is Antigone brave?

Antigone portrays extremely courageous qualities, and definitely fights for what she believes in. She does not accept what the king says just because he is the king or a person in authority. She does not agree with his law so she goes with her heart and her feelings and disobeys the king’s rule.

Why does Creon hate Antigone?

Antigone was following her familial duties and felt that both her brothers needed to receive proper burial no matter which side they died fighting for. Creon, angered by the blatant disregard for his orders, imprisons both sisters regardless of Ismene’s innocence.

How did Antigone kill herself?

Antigone’s suicide is described by a messenger – the sentries broke in through into the burial cave and saw her hanging by the neck with a noose of silk or muslin from her own clothing.

Who is the tragic hero in Antigone and why?

The tragic hero of Sophocles Antigone, was Creon. Creon was a very headstrong and arrogant man who would never take advice from anyone and would always rely on his own beliefs no matter what. This makes him the tragic hero because his hubris character leads him to a downfall circumstance.

Is Antigone a hero or villain?

Antigone is a hero because she remains true both to the Gods and her brother. Even when faced with death, she refuses to go against either one, choosing to end her own life. Thus, she seals her testimony with her own blood and dies a tragic hero.

Why Creon is a tragic hero?

A noble and relatively virtuous man who loses everything he has as a result of his excessive pride, Creon experiences a revelatory manifestation moments too late to undo his wrongdoing, thus making him the Aristotelian tragic hero of the drama.

What is the main conflict in Antigone?

major conflict Antigone’s major conflict is between Creon and Antigone. Creon has declared that the body of Polynices may not be given a proper burial because he led the forces that invaded Thebes, but Antigone wishes to give her brother a proper burial nevertheless.