What is the management of syphilis in pregnancy?

What is the management of syphilis in pregnancy?

The current standard of care for the treatment of syphilis acquired during pregnancy is benzathine penicillin G, as a single intramuscular injection of 2.4 million units. Benzathine penicillin G treatment is highly effective.

How does syphilis affect a pregnant woman?

Syphilis in pregnant women can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, or the baby’s death shortly after birth. Approximately 40% of babies born to women with untreated syphilis can be stillborn or die from the infection as a newborn.

What is prenatal syphilis?

Prenatal syphilis is defined as syphilis transmitted by the infected mother to the fetus in utero. [1] The clinical manifestations of early prenatal syphilis are a consequence of active infection with T. pallidum and the resultant inflammatory response induced in various organs and tissues.

Can you get syphilis while pregnant?

If you have syphilis and become pregnant, you can transmit the disease to your unborn child. The bacteria that cause the illness can pass from you to your infant through the placenta. Your child is then said to have congenital syphilis. Fetuses infected with syphilis often die in the womb, says Damian P.

Which drug used to treat syphilis is contraindicated in pregnancy?

Besides penicillin, other antibiotics can be used to treat syphilis such as doxycycline and tetracycline, however are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Why is RPR test done during pregnancy?

The AAP and the ACOG advise using a nontreponemal screening test initially (RPR or VDRL test), followed by a confirmatory treponemal antibody test. 3 The CDC recommends that all pregnant women be screened for syphilis with serologic testing at the first prenatal visit.

When can a pregnant woman get tested for syphilis?

A health care provider for a pregnant syphilis case shall order serologic testing for syphilis at 28 to 32 weeks gestation and at delivery.

What is the primary lesion of syphilis?

Primary: Usually, a single ulcer (chancre) appears at the site where the bacteria entered the body. The genitals are the most common location for chancres to develop, but these ulcers also can form around the mouth or anus. The chancre is firm and painless, and it oozes fluid that contains syphilis bacteria.

Can bactrim treat syphilis?

It is also used to treat non-gonococcal urethritis (due to Ureaplasma), typhus, anthrax, brucellosis, chancroid, cholera, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, syphilis, acne, and, periodontal disease.

Can ceftriaxone treat syphilis?

Ceftriaxone, thus can be regarded as an equivalent alternative to penicillin G in the treatment of primary and secondary syphilis.