What is the specific gravity of caustic soda?

What is caustic soda Class 11?

What is the specific gravity of caustic soda?

Manufacturer, Supplier And Distributor

Parameter Range
Iron (as Fe) < 4 ppm
pH (1% solution) > 12
Specific Gravity 1.52 at 20°C
Crystallization Temp 58°F

What is the specific gravity of 25% caustic?

Properties & DOT Class Caustic Soda 25%

State @ 70°F liquid Freeze Point
Specific Gravity 1.278 Fire Hazard
Solution Weight, #/G 10.66 DOT-Hazard Label
Caustic Soda, #/G 2.66 Solubility, in water
pH, as is 14 Solubility, in hydrocarbons

What is caustic soda Class 11?

It is a white, translucent solid that melts at 591 K. It readily dissolves in water and gives a strong alkaline solution. The crystals of sodium hydroxide are deliquescent. It reacts with CO2 in the atmosphere to form Na2CO3.

What is caustic soda?

What is caustic soda? Caustic soda is the chemical compound sodium hydroxide (NaOH). This compound is an alkali – a type of base that can neutralize acids and is soluble in water. Today caustic soda can be manufactured in the form of pellets, flakes, powders, solutions and more.

At what temperature does 50 caustic freeze?

Freeze Point Depression of 50% Caustic Soda 50% Liquid Caustic Soda begins to crystallize at 54°F and becomes difficult to transfer by pump below 48°F. Often, it is not practical or economically feasible to provide the heat necessary to prevent the product from freezing during storage and handling.

How is caustic soda prepared Class 11?

It is generally prepared by electrolysis of sodium chloride in Castner-kellner cell. A brine solution is electrolyzed using mercury cathode and carbon anode. Sodium metal, discharged at the cathode, combine with mercury to form sodium amalgam. Cl gas is evolved at the cathode.

How is caustic soda manufactured Class 11?

Caustic soda is produced as the liquid in this process. It is produced by passing an electric current through a brine solution which is common salt dissolved in water. Electrolysis of concentrated brine solutions produces chlorine gas, hydrogen gas, and aqueous sodium hydroxide that is caustic soda.

Do you add caustic soda to water or water to caustic soda?

ALWAYS add CAUSTIC SODA to water; NEVER add water to CAUSTIC SODA. CAUSTIC SODA is a strong alkali and produces a strong base solution when mixed with water. The reaction generates heat.

Search: (select features or write product key) LIQUID Temp. (°C) Specific gravity (Kg/dm3) Butane, liquid 25 0,601 Caustic soda 9% – NaOH 15 1,10 Caustic soda 18% – NaOH 15 1,20 Caustic soda 27% – NaOH 15 1,30

What happens when you mix caustic soda with metal?

Caustic Soda will react with metals such as aluminum, tin, and zinc to generate flammable and explosive hydrogen gas. Caustic solutions generate heat when further diluted with water. With concentrations of 40% or greater, the heat generated can result in dangerous eruptions of the solution.

How many PPM is a caustic soda Spike?

This procedure provides about a 1 (one) pg/g (1 ppm) spike for membrane caustic soda or about a 2 to 4 pg/g (2 to 4 ppm) spike for diaphragm caustic soda. Different spike levels may be obtained by adding more or less of the iron stock standard or using different iron concentration solutions.

How do you dilute caustic soda to 20%?

One way to achieve the solution heat necessary is to dilute 50% caustic soda to 20%. The heat of dilution will cause the caustic soda temperature to rise. Additional heat may be necessary to achieve optimal solution temperatures. The coating of the tank walls is best accomplished with an elliptical sprayer.