What is the summary of Purple Hibiscus?

What is the summary of Purple Hibiscus?

Synopsis. Purple Hibiscus is set in postcolonial Nigeria, a country beset by political instability and economic difficulties. The central character is Kambili Achike, aged fifteen for much of the period covered by the book, a member of a wealthy family dominated by her devoutly Catholic father, Eugene.

Why is Purple Hibiscus a good book?

I would highly recommend Purple Hibiscus as a read. It is extremely engaging and not only is it a good laugh, but you get to travel along the journey of life with Kambili and explore her as she grows and becomes more of an extrovert.

What is the setting of Purple Hibiscus?

Set in Nigeria, it is the coming-of-age story of Kambili, a 15-year-old whose family is wealthy and well respected but who is terrorized by her fanatically religious father. Purple Hibiscus garnered the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize in 2005 for Best First Book (Africa)…

Who said we should all be feminists?

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Who was the first person to call Adichie a feminist?


What kind of novel is Purple Hibiscus?


Where was Adichie born?

Enugu, Nigeria

Is there a Purple Hibiscus movie?

Adichie is the MacArthur Fellowship-winning author of the novels Purple Hibiscus and Half of a Yellow Sun, the film adaptation of which recently premiered in the United Kingdom and Nigeria.

When was Purple Hibiscus published?

October 2003

Does a feminist have to be a woman?

Feminism isn’t just “women’s issues.” It helps fight racism/classism/ablism/ageism/patriarchy/homophobia/etc., and everyone can be a feminist, regardless of race, gender, class, religion, ability, etc.”

How does Adichie define feminism?

When she looked it up later in the dictionary, the definition she saw was “feminist: a person who believes in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.” Several years later, Adichie published a novel and frequently received “advice” from strangers that she shouldn’t call herself a feminist because …

Who is Chimamanda Adichie married to?

Ivara Esege

What is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie known for?

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, (born September 15, 1977, Enugu, Nigeria), Nigerian author whose work drew extensively on the Biafran war in Nigeria during the late 1960s.