What was the rand dollar exchange rate in 1970?

What was the rand dollar exchange rate in 1970?

I’ve indexed them to illustrate this difference, assuming that the US economy started at 100 in 1970, and the SA economy started at 71 in 1970, in order to get an implied exchange rate of R0. 71 to $1 (seeing as purchasing power parity is meant to exist between countries – or, at least, that’s the theory).

What was USD to ZAR 2010?

Average exchange rate in 2010: 7.3137 ZAR. Worst exchange rate: 6.5879 ZAR on 31 Dec 2010.

What was the rand dollar in 1994?

Before 9/12, South Africa’s weakest point against the dollar was R12. 45 in December 2001….Rand history.

Year Rand vs Dollar (11 March)
1991 2.63
1992 2.89
1993 3.19
1994 3.42

What was South Africa’s currency before 1961?

The pound (symbol £, or £ SA for distinction) was the currency of the Union of South Africa from the formation of the country as a British Dominion in 1910. It was replaced by the rand in 1961 when South Africa became a republic.

When was the rand introduced in South Africa?

South Africa continued to use the British coin system until 1961 when South Africa gained independence and became a republic. This was the beginning of the South African rand, which takes its name from the Witwatersrand where gold was discovered. On 14 February 1961, the rand, replaced the pound.

What was the rand dollar exchange rate in 2009?

Year USD Big Mac (USD) ZAR/USD Exchange Rate
2008 $3.57 R7.56
2009 $3.57 R8.28
2010 $3.73 R7.54
2011 $3.73 R6.77

What was the rand dollar exchange rate in 2011?

Average exchange rate in 2011: 7.2573 ZAR.

What is a historical rate?

Historical exchange rate. An accounting term that refers to the exchange rate in effect at the time an asset or liability is acquired.

What was the rand dollar exchange rate in 2016?

Average exchange rate in 2016: 14.7049 ZAR.

How South African money was used in the past?

South African currency has evolved from the early days where bartering with items of value was the prevalent form of trading. Commercial banks kept and secured people’s items of value and in return issued them with promissory notes. To date, this trusted system has evolved to banknotes and coins.