Whats the definition of gelatinous?

Whats the definition of gelatinous?

Definition of gelatinous 1 : resembling gelatin or jelly : viscous a gelatinous precipitate. 2 : of, relating to, or containing gelatin.

What is gelatinous mass?

1 consisting of or resembling jelly; viscous. 2 of, containing, or resembling gelatine.

What is the function of mesohyl?

The mesohyl acts as a type of endoskeleton, helping to maintain the tubular shape of sponges.

What is gelatinous secretion?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Tectin is an organic substance secreted by certain ciliates. Tectin may form an adhesive stalk, disc or other sticky secretion. Tectin may also form a gelatinous envelope or membrane enclosing some ciliates as a protective capsule or lorica.

What is gelatinous precipitate?

gelatinous precipitate – a precipitate that has a jelly-like appearance. Example: iron(iii) hydroxide. Because a gelatinous precipitate is mostly water, it is of a similar den – ProZ.com personal glossaries.

What is a gelatinous precipitate?

A gelatinous precipitate is always hydrons and viscous ; it involves agglomeration to a bulky form. Hydrous alumina and hydrous ferric oxide, whett pre- cipitated cold, are typical gelatinous precipitates. \Vhen a salt is precipitated from very concentrated solutions we apparently al- ways get a gelatinous precipitate.

What is meant by gelatinous sheath?

Gelatinous sheath is a covering found, generally around the cells in colonies of cyanobacteria. It holds the cells in colonies together.

What is the difference between mesohyl and mesoglea?

The main difference between mesoglea in cnidarians and mesohyl in poriferans is that mesoglea in cnidarians mainly composes of water and several substances including fibrous proteins, like collagen and heparan sulfate proteoglycans, whereas mesohyl in poriferans is a gelatinous matrix, mainly composing of collagen.

Which of the following describes a Choanocyte?

Choanocytes (also known as “collar cells”) are cells that line the interior of asconoid, syconoid and leuconoid body types of sponges that contain a central flagellum, or cilium, surrounded by a collar of microvilli which are connected by a thin membrane.

What is gelatinous white PPT?

Answer: When Aluminum (or Metal M) is treated with the Sodium Hydroxide, Aluminium Hydroxide which is a Gelatinous white precipitate is formed. Al(OH)₃ (or X) is the Gelatinous white precipitate, which will be soluble in the excess of the NaOH.

What is the formula of the white gelatinous precipitate obtained?

Answer. The white gelatinous precipitate is zinc hydroxide (Zn(OH)2).

What is gelatinous sheath in cyanobacteria?

What is Gelatinous Sheath? All cyanobacteria have a gelatinous sheath. The gelatinous sheath is a voluminous and often fluffy covering present around the cells of cyanobacteria. It makes a homogenous surface around the cells. Functionally, it aids in holding cyanobacterial cells together in colonies.