Where is the curve editor in 3ds Max?

Where is the curve editor in 3ds Max?

Open the Curve Editor: Right-click the basketball, and choose Curve Editor from the quad menu. 3ds Max opens the Curve editor. The tracks you just created for the ball should be visible on the left, and the curves themselves should appear in the curve window to the right.

How do you use curved editor?

The Curve Editor allows you to graphically edit the speed of the changes in your animation….To access an object for editing

  1. In the Keyframe Editor, select the keyframes.
  2. In the Curve Editor, the handles activate.
  3. Drag the handles to adjust the curve.

Why might you use a curve editor for animation?

Why Is The Graph Editor Important? Computer animation records the motion of an object over time. The graph editor visualizes this motion in the form of curves that can be interpreted by animators. Though it does take some practice, this control gives the 3d animator extra power to perfect their scenes.

Where is time configuration in 3ds Max?

To set the frame rate in 3ds Max click on the Time Configuration button at the bottom right of the screen. This will open the Time Configuration window. In the Time Configuration window, change the Frame Rate to Custom and set the FPS to 30 .

How do you curve the edges of a box in 3Ds Max?

Select the object and in the ribbon, activate modify mode. Go down to the bottom of the stack by clicking previous modifier a couple of times, until editable poly is displayed. Now we want to select the edges to be rounded or filleted. Enter edge sub object mode and getting closer with Control + Alt middle mouse.

What are Splines in 3Ds Max?

Using the Spline menu, you can create two-dimensional shapes such as lines, circles, and helixes. You can also add text and draw freehand shapes. Use Line to create a free-form spline made of multiple segments.

What is graph editor?

The Graph Editor is a graphical representation of the animated attributes in your scene, shown as animation curves. The Graph Editor lets you manipulate animation curves and keys within a graph view of a scene.

How do you use e graph editor?

Where is the graph editor in After Effects?

  1. When you go toward the top of the timeline panel, you’ll notice an icon looking like a graph, right next to the motion blur; simply click on this button.
  2. Press Shift + F3.
  3. The Graph Editor is selected once it turns blue.

What is the purpose of the graph editor?

The Graph Editor is presented as graph view of scene animation so you can create, view, and modify animation curves various ways.