Which festival can be celebrated in government offices?

Which festival can be celebrated in government offices?

  • Milad-Un-Nabi/Id-E-Milad.
  • Republic Day.
  • Holi.
  • Ram Navami.
  • Mahavir Jayanti.
  • Good Friday.
  • Buddha Purnima.
  • Idu’l Fitr.

Can government schools celebrate a particular festival which belongs to a religion?

Government schools cannot celebrate religious festivals because it will be a violation of the government’s policy of treating all religions equally. Question 7. Unlike Indian secularism, there is a strict separation between religion and the State in American secularism.

Which schools can promote any one religion?

Government schools can promote any one religion. The Indian State both keeps away from religion as well as intervenes in religion.

Why is it important that government schools do not promote any one religion?

It is important that government schools do not promote any one religion because if the government itself does not follow the rules in the Constitution, a normal citizen will also not understand the importance of following it.

Is Holi a national festival?

Holi is an important spring festival for Hindus, a national holiday in India and Nepal with regional holidays in other countries. Holi is celebrated at the end of winter, on the last full moon day of the Hindu luni-solar calendar month marking the spring, making the date vary with the lunar cycle.

Why are religious festival not celebrated in government schools?

Government schools cannot celebrate religious festivals because it will be a violation of goverment’s policy of treating all religions equally . Because religious instructions cant be imparted in the education institutions which are wholly run by the government funds because there is no state religion.

What are three national festivals?

Most Popular National Festivals of India

  • Diwali.
  • Holi.
  • Navratri.
  • Durga Puja.
  • Dussehra.
  • Janmashtami.
  • Ganesh Chaturthi.
  • Eid-ul-Fitr.

Which schools Cannot promote any one religion?

KOCHI: In a landmark verdict, the Kerala High Court on Friday held that private unaided schools which require state recognition have no right to promote a particular religion while imparting elementary education.

Why does state not interfere in religious matter?

Answer: The Indian State does not interfere in religious beliefs and practices of individuals and thus keeps away from religious affairs of the citizens. But when someone tries to disturb social harmony in the name of religion then the State has the right to intervene.

Which of these festival can be celebrated in government offices?

Independence Day

Why can’t the state owned schools in India celebrate religious festivals?

Government schools cannot celebrate religious festivals because it will be a violation of government’s policy of treating all religions equally. The Indian Constitution grants the right to religious communities to set up their own schools and colleges. It also gives them financial aid on a nonpreferential basis.

Which type of festival can be celebrated in the government school and offices?
