Which type of hormone is used in multiple ovulation embryo transfer technology?

Multiple ovulation and embryo transfer technology (MOET) is a method used for the hybridization of the cattle. In this method, a hormone (with FSH-like activity) is given to the cow for inducing follicular maturation and superovulation instead of one egg, which they usually give per cycle, they produce 6-8 eggs.

Which type of hormone is used in multiple ovulation embryo transfer technology?

Multiple ovulation and embryo transfer technology (MOET) is a method used for the hybridization of the cattle. In this method, a hormone (with FSH-like activity) is given to the cow for inducing follicular maturation and superovulation instead of one egg, which they usually give per cycle, they produce 6-8 eggs.

What hormone is used to induce superovulation during embryo transfer in cattle?

For this reason, FSH has become the method of choice of superovulating cows for commercial use. The two most commonly used commercial FSH preparations are made from porcine pituitary extracts and contain some contamination with luteinizing hormone (LH).

What will happen if there are multiple ovulations in animals?

Multiple ovulations occur in 10–22% of all ovulations in dairy cows and increase the risk for twin pregnancies, which negatively affect the health, production, and reproduction of cows. In most studies, MOV was increased in older cows and during times of low P4 concentrations, for example in anovulatory cows.

What are the disadvantages of Moet?

4. The offsprings produced may be abnormal. 5. The transfer of embryos into surrogate mother may result in infection.

What are the advantages of Moet?

Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology (MOET) is a method of propagation of animals with desirable traits. This technology is used to produce high milk yielding females and high quality meat yielding bulls in a short time.

How is Moet helpful in herd improvement?

MOET (Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology) is a programme that is used to increase herd size. MOET has been done in cattle, sheep, rabbits, buffaloes, mares, etc. High milk giving breeds of females and high quality meat giving bulls have been bred successfully to obtain better breeds in a short time.

How does superovulation work in cows?

Superovulation is the bunch of processes to have the female to produce more eggs than the normal count of its species in each estrus by gonadotropin and to increase the number of embryos. Ten or more live eggs can be collected in each estrus from appropriate superovulated cows and heifers.

How do you induce superovulation?

The medications most commonly used in our practice for ovulation induction and superovulation include clomiphene citrate [Clomid] and tamoxifen (which are orally administered) and fertility medications that are given by injection, such as, Follistim®, Gonal F®, and Menopur®.

What is multiple ovulation and embryo transfer?

Multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) can be defined as a process or steps in removing the fertilised eggs from a female donor and putting them in multiple surrogate recipients, who are not related genetically (Hasler, 2004; Jainudeen et al., 2000).

What are the disadvantages of embryo transfer in cattle?

Embryo Transfer

Advantage Disadvantage
Mares can continue performance career High costs for drugs, veterinarian fees, mare care, stud fees, registry fees($4,000-$12,000)
Obtain foals from problem and aged mares Intensive management of donor and recipient mare and maintenance of recipient herd

What is Moet give its advantages?

Advantages of MOET No surgery is required. The entire procedure can be easily carried out on a farm. The embryos can be frozen and stored in the laboratory for future use. The embryos can also be cryopreserved in banks for future use.

What are 3 disadvantages of using embryo transfer in breeding livestock?

Embryo Transfer

Advantage Disadvantage
Increase the annual reproductive rate in superior mares Limit number of foals registered per year or lifetime (breed registry restrictions)
Mares can continue performance career High costs for drugs, veterinarian fees, mare care, stud fees, registry fees($4,000-$12,000)