Who was the most important general in the Confederate Army?

Who was the most important general in the Confederate Army?

Robert E. Lee was the Confederate general in charge of the Army of Northern Virginia and at the end of the war Supreme Commander of remaining Confederate forces. Lee was considered to be one of the finest generals in the United States at the outbreak of succession and was offered command of Union armies but declined.

Who were the two main generals in the Civil War?

The Union’s main general was Ulysses S. Grant, but William Tecumseh Sherman, one of the firmest advocates of the so-called ”Hard War” policy, and George McClellan, known for being at odds with politicians and beloved by his troops, were other influential commanders as well.

Who were some important Confederate generals?

Confederate Generals

  • Robert E. Lee.
  • Stonewall Jackson.
  • J.E.B. Stuart.
  • Nathan Bedford Forrest.
  • James Longstreet.
  • Braxton Bragg.
  • George Pickett.
  • Bloody Bill Anderson.

How many Confederate generals were there?

425 Confederate Army generals
Generals in the lists The lists of Union and Confederate general show the 583 Union Army generals and the 425 Confederate Army generals included in the Wright War Department memos and Mr. Warner’s books at their highest grades achieved during the course of the war.

Who was the general of the Confederate?

Robert Edward Lee
Robert Edward Lee (January 19, 1807 – October 12, 1870) was an American Confederate general best known for his service to the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War, during which he was appointed the overall commander of the Confederate States Army….

Robert E. Lee
Rank Colonel (U.S.) General (C.S.)

Who were some important Union generals?

Union Generals: A List of the Civil War’s Northern Military…

  • Ulysses S. Grant.
  • George Mcclellan.
  • Robert Anderson.
  • Nathaniel Banks.
  • General William Tecumseh Sherman.
  • George Custer.
  • Winfield Scott Hancock.
  • Abner Doubleday.

How many generals were in the Confederate Army?

The lists of Union and Confederate general show the 583 Union Army generals and the 425 Confederate Army generals included in the Wright War Department memos and Mr. Warner’s books at their highest grades achieved during the course of the war.

Who was the general of the Confederate Army during the Civil War?

Robert E. Lee
Robert E. Lee was a Confederate general who led the South’s attempt at secession during the Civil War. He challenged Union forces during the war’s bloodiest battles, including Antietam and Gettysburg, before surrendering to Union General Ulysses S.

What did the Confederate generals do?

Some, like Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Nathan Bedford Forrest are household names. Others are less well known but are still important, as the southern generals were the commanders that led the troops and helped decide the ultimate outcome of most civil war battles.

Who were the Union and Confederate generals?

Some, like Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman are household names. They, along with many generals and commanders, both major and minor, were the commanders that led the troops and helped decide the outcome of most civil war battles.

How many generals did the Confederates have?

Who were the main generals of the South?