Why is the trust of Mrs Jones so important to Roger?

Why is the trust of Mrs Jones so important to Roger?

Hughes tells us that Roger “did not want to be mistrusted now.” He sits so that Mrs. Jones can see him so that she will know that she can trust him. This is important to the story as it shows that Roger has come to care about what Mrs. Jones thinks of him.

What kind of character is Roger in thank you ma am?

In the story, Roger is described as a frail teenager who is desperate, polite, and honest. Roger impulsively attempts to steal Mrs. Jones’s purse and is surprised when she drags him home to give him a hot meal. Roger displays remorse for his actions and attempts to prove to Mrs.

What is the lesson of the story thank you ma am?

The theme of Thank You, Ma’am is that lessons in what is right and what is wrong are better delivered in an environment of kindness.

What did Mrs Jones work?

Jones works in the beauty-shop of a hotel, a shop that stays open late to serve all classes of women with different types of hair. This shop is convenient for those who do not have regular day jobs. After she has invited him to her living quarters and fixed a meal for Roger, Mrs.

What is the author’s purpose of thank you ma am?

The purpose of the tale is to show the reader that countless young men who are often seen as ‘hoodlums’ will respond favorably to kindness and respect from a caretaker, as illustrated by how Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones treats Roger in the story.

Where does Mrs Luella Bates work?

hotel beauty-shop

Who is Mrs Luella Bates?

Luella Bates Washington Jones is depicted as a bold, compassionate woman, who is forgiving and hospitable. Instead of punishing Roger for attempting to steal her purse, Mrs. Jones exercises sympathy towards him by giving Roger a hot meal and ten dollars to buy a pair of blue suede shoes.

Who was Mrs Jones answer?

Mrs. Jones is Margie’s mother. She expects Margie to succeed in her education and is disappointed when Margie has difficulties with her geography lessons.

How does the title Thank you ma’am relate to the theme?

The title “Thank You, M’am” relates to the story’s themes of kindness and personal transformation, as Roger has much to thank Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones for by the end.

What is the climax of thank you ma am?

The climax of the story by Langston Hughes is when the young protagonist, Roger, decides not to escape and instead stays with Mrs. That’s the climax because the story goes around a young boy, Roger. He’s a thief, and one day, he’s trying to steal the purse of a lady, Mrs. Jones.

What kind of character is Roger?

Roger is black-haired with a fringe that covers his forehead and makes him look sinister. He has an extremely cruel and sadistic streak in his nature which attracts him to Jack’s way of doing things. Roger is an uncommunicative, moody and secretive loner, preferring to use power as a weapon of evil.

Why does Mrs Jones give Roger ten dollars?

She assumes that Roger wants money so that he can buy food and when he reveals that he actually wants to buy a pair of blue suede shoes she is not angry but remembers when she “wanted things I could not get.” Mrs Jones gives Roger the $10 so that he doesn’t steal it from someone else and to perhaps give him an …

What is the theme of thank you ma’am Commonlit answers?

Answer: The answer is A) Roger has grown to appreciate the faith that Mrs. Jones has in him and regrets trying to steal from her.